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Updated: August 2, 2024

"You will go to Eglantine, and ask him to take a bill for the amount of this shameful demand at any date, never mind what. Mind, however, to see him alone, and I'm sure if you choose you can settle the business. Make haste; set off directly, and come back, as there may be more detainers in." Trembling, and in a great flutter, Morgiana put on her bonnet and gloves, and went towards the door.

I am only taken for a paltry thirty pounds or so." "Thirty-three, fifteen, five," suggested Cartwright, in a muffled whisper, his mouth being full of biscuit. "But once they get me to a sponging-house, detainers will pour in, and my cruel creditors will confine me for life." "It is the best place for you. It will put a stop to your wickedness, and I shall be at peace.

Everything in Marat's career tended to make him the accredited prophet of the reign of suspicion now fast becoming established. He had during many years studied science and philosophy, and had acquired the knack of writing while unsuccessfully knocking at the doors of the academies. The outbreak of the Revolution found him soured, and ready to turn a venomous pen against all detainers of power.

He knew to a shilling the amount of the detainers which were against the Captain at the porter's lodge of the Fleet; and, indeed, professed to know all his debts, though this was impossible, for no man in England, certainly not the Captain himself, was acquainted with them. Bungay's feelings, by describing Mrs.

He had kept his temper admirably, joking with his detainers, while dealing his blows upon their hands. "Where will all this end?" cried Margaret. "With some going to dinner, and others to supper, I imagine," replied Philip, stepping to the window. "From what I see, that seems likely to be the upshot; for here is Sir William Hunter talking to the people.

Consequence vos, that he paid as long as he could; but things he never expected to have to meet till he’d had time to turn himself round, come fast upon him, and he vos nabbed. He vos brought here, as I said afore, last Vensday, and I think there’s aboutah, half-a-dozen detainers agin him down-stairs now.

Micawber, enlarging on the pleasures of imprisonment for debt, apostrophizes the King's Bench Prison as being the place "where, for the first time in many revolving years, the overwhelming pressure of pecuniary liabilities was not proclaimed from day to day, by importunate voices declining to vacate the passage; where there was no knocker on the door for any creditor to appeal to; where personal service of process was not required, and detainers were lodged merely at the gate."

'I still look round, from time to time, sir, said Mr Rugg, cheerfully, 'to see whether any lingering Detainers are accumulating at the gate. They have fallen in pretty thick, sir; as thick as we could have expected. He remarked upon the circumstance as if it were matter of congratulation: rubbing his hands briskly, and rolling his head a little.

It was useless to try to drive our cart up the main street, so calling a passing comrade, my detainers bid him hold my horse until they returned after having fait leur affaire, as they expressed it.

"You don't mean to say you were such a fool as to pay without asking if there were any more detainers?" roared Walker to his wife. "Yes, she was though," chuckled Mr. Bendigo; "but she'll know better the next time: and, besides, Captain, what's a hundred and fifty pounds to you?"

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