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"Nay, good my lord, nay," returned Sibyll, shaking her head with thoughtful demureness. "Surely the wooer, if he love worthily, will not press her to the curse of a child's disobedience and a parent's wrath!" "Shrewdly answered," said the dame of Longueville. "Then she would renounce the poor gentleman if the parent ordain her to marry a rich lord.

'They won't hurt us, sir, I dare say. And having given him this answer with great demureness she was so overcome by her own humour, that she was fain to stifle her merriment in her sister's shawl. 'Merry, cried that more prudent damsel, 'really I am ashamed of you. How can you go on so? You wild thing! At which Miss Merry only laughed the more, of course.

In her maidenly simplicity she feared to show herself too bold, and very resolutely she kept her glance lowered, like the young girls with richer parents who return from the convents in Chicoutimi trained to look on the world with a superhuman demureness. Scarcely was gone when the two women and Tit'Be knelt for the evening prayer.

From your rawest infancy you were as much distinguished, as Milton represents the goddess Hebe to have been, by "nods and becks and wreathed smiles;" with this difference, that in her they were marks of gaiety, and in you of demureness; that in her they were unrestrained and general, and in you intended only for a single confidant.

If you're really and truly tired of nursing and are looking for a new job, what's the matter with tackling us?" "It would be a job!" admitted the White Linen Nurse demurely. "Why, it would be a deuce-of-a-job!" confided the Senior Surgeon with no demureness whatsoever.

He feared to see her, because of the too probable furnishing of fresh matter for her ladyship's hand. Of course he could not avoid being seen by her, and that was a particular misery. A gentlemanly humility, or demureness of aspect, when seen, would, he hoped, disarm his enemy. It should, he thought. He had borne unheard-of things.

"A folly, cousin Jack," said Eve with laughing eyes though she maintained a perfect demureness with her beautiful features "that he shares in common with so many others!" "Very true, though I suspect he has climbed to commit it, while others have been content to descend. The man himself behaved well yesterday, showing steadiness as well as spirit in the fray."

"Oh, but we really do want to learn something about it," here interposed Ollie Grant, as she gave Sadie a nudge with her elbow, "and and" with mock demureness "if we have wrong ideas about it, why, you can perhaps set us right." "I am sure it would be very interesting," Clara Follet observed, with a sly wink at her nearest neighbor; "it is so mysterious and creepy; like spiritualism, you know."

Her union with Dartrey was for the having an ally and the being an ally, in resolute vision of strife ahead, through the veiled dreams that bear the blush. This was behind a maidenly demureness. Are not young women hypocrites? Who shall fathom their guile! So it was.

Carvel continued. "Do you mind how you once asked the favour of inviting her in the place of a present? Oons! I loved you for that, boy. 'Twas like a Carvel. And I love that lass, Whig or no Whig. 'Pon my soul, I do. She hath demureness and dignity, and suits me better than yon whimsical baggage you are all mad over. I'll have Mr. Swain beside me, too.