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I have so written to her." With a breaking heart Justine Delande kissed her beloved gage d'amour, the diamond bracelet, murmuring: "Alan! Alan! To part without even a word!" She lay with tear-stained eyes, watching the low shores of Madras fade away, and listened to the sleeping girl's murmur: "Harry! Harry! I owe you my life!" Even the maid mourned a dashing Sergeant-Major!

The next blow shall come out of the blackness of night, and I'll strike them all at once!" In the evening, Major Alan Hawke drove with Justine Delande to the restaurant garden, where, long months before, he had first learned the daring hardihood of his fair employer the acute woman who had fooled him at every turn. His heart was saddened with all the fresh hopes which had failed him.

Long before the anxious Justine Delande arose to deck herself furtively for her tryst with Alan Hawke, Berthe Louison knew that all her orders of the night before were executed. "You are sure that you can see perfectly, Jules?" said the anxious woman. "I command the whole side of the room where you will be seated," replied the Frenchman, "and the ornaments and carved tracery cover the aperture.

"I'll have those stolen jewels yet. Now is the time to gain his confidence. He is an old man, and weak, and, cowardly." When Major Hawke entered the great doors of the marble house, he was gravely received by Mademoiselle Justine Delande. "He has been asking every ten minutes for you," she said. "I am to show you at once to his rooms."

Alas, for Justine Delande, she was so busied with her mute telegraphy to Alan Hawke that she never saw the startling family likeness of the two women so eagerly watched by Hugh Johnstone. But the keen-eyed Alan Hawke saw the girl's fascinated gaze. He noted her virginal bosom heaving in a new and strange emotion.

The silent duel was over, and the bodies of the dreadful vipers were hastily buried. "I shall call this afternoon, at five, to ask Miss Johnstone if she has entirely recovered," gravely said Captain Hardwicke to Mademoiselle Justine Delande, when the still excited Swiss woman poured forth her congratulations to the young hero of this morning's episode.

Justine and Euphrosyne Delande drove back happy-hearted to No. 9 Rue Berlioz, for the beautiful brides had claimed them both as future colonists of Volhynia, when the mill of Minerva ceased to grind to their turning. "We have agreed to own Jitomir in common, as we have both 'joined the army," laughed the kinswomen.

And a great smuggling raid was the only accepted explanation to the public. Captain Murray had duly reported the completion of all the Major's carefully matured preparations, and fled away to await the arrival of Justine Delande and Captain Anson Anstruther.

The lover with one agonized glance saw the outspread arms of Justine Delande, and heard again a voice which had thrilled his soul in loving memory. It appealed for aid. Nadine was shrieking for help. With one glance, the young soldier gathered his noble steed.

But, on his knees beside the dying man, Eric Murray bent down his head to listen to the final adieu of the dying wanderer, whose luck had turned at last. "Justine Delande is to have all! The drafts, and my money, at Granville. Murray, I'll tell you everything now. Ram Lal Singh murdered old Hugh Johnstone to get the jewels that Johnstone stole.