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"It didn't," said Ballin, and without seeing any reason for confiding in the stranger he proceeded to do so. "It was nip and tuck for a time," he said, "and then money came to me, and this old place and responsibilities, and I became, more from force of circumstances than from any inner impulse, a decentish citizen." "The money made everything smooth, did it?" said Forrest. "I wonder."

As he rolled along, watching the scene, Tressady thought to himself, as he had often thought before, that the East End, in many of its aspects, is a very decentish sort of place, about which many people talk much nonsense. He made the remark, carelessly, to Watton.

"Why, but poorly but poorly, Measter Stubbs. Are you wanting to see his Reverence?" "Ay, ay, Tummas; please to say I ha' brought up the young woman as came to service to-day with mad Madge Murdockson seems to be a decentish koind o' body; but I ha' asked her never a question. Only I can tell his Reverence that she is a Scotchwoman, I judge, and as flat as the fens of Holland."

"I've often sailed in these seas, and I know that while some of the traders sailing between these islands and South America and other parts are decentish enough, others are as great cut-throats as ever deserved to swing at the yard-arm. But that's not the point. I have overheard, of late, some of the rascals plotting to murder the officers and take this ship.

The recital of Lilienthal and Braun's illicit trading made Dennis McNerney's eyes gleam. When the three men left the yacht at sunset, the policeman called Einstein into a corner. "See here," he said. "I've got your mother locked up in my charge. She is a decentish sort of woman, in her way, and she loves you, you young brute. See if you can remember anything more in your yacht cruise of a month.

The bagman seemed a decentish sort of chap in his way, but, my word! he did put his foot in it the first night at mess; by George, he did!

His look changed in an instant, and he fixed his eyes upon the painter's face with a very strange expression. "What is the matter, my lad?" asked Andre, surprised at this sudden change. "Nothing," answered Chupin; "nothing at all; only as you seem a decentish sort of chap, I should recommend you to keep your wits about you, and to look out for squalls." "Eh, what do you mean?"

"That's what your opponents had to do here, I suppose?" remarked Gerald, echoing the other's laugh. "Pretty much, only they didn't do it," said the lawyer. "I met Vincenza when he was down last month," pursued Gerald. "He seems a decentish sort of a fellow for a greaser." "He's no greaser; he's a pure-blooded Castilian, and very much of the gentleman," answered Hall.

There's a pretty decentish public on the beach, the Pilot's Home, where you may get a bed, and Jerry and I always sleeps under the wherry. That's the only other thing for you to do, sir, that I sees on." Though very unwilling to forego the comforts of my cabin and the society of Captain Hassall, I agreed to old Bob's proposal, provided the Barbara was not soon to be found.

"He's a decentish sort, don't you know? I meanter say, poor old Thomas did me an awfully good turn once and that!" Clara inferred from various hints that Gerald had once been in the English army, and had met Thomas, and befriended him, or been befriended by him, at that period of his existence.