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Updated: August 1, 2024

Bill went with him, still belching forth against Blackler. "Jim said he heard he said he'd slap my face f'r a cent. I wish he would. I'd lick the life out of 'im in a minnit." "Why don't you pitch into Milt? He's got her now. He's the one y'd orto be dammin'." "Oh, he don't mean nothin' by it. He don't care for her. I saw him down to town at the show with the girl he's after.

It must ha' bin, wot d'ye call it second sight for I knew then an' there I'd got a prize in the lottery " "Oh, shut up!" shouted Royson, diving frantically for his boots. "That's no way for a barrow-knight to talk to 'is admirin' skipper," said Stump. "But I s'pose, now, it sounds queer to 'ave me a-callin' you Sir Richard, w'en, as like as not, I might be dammin' your eyes as second mate?"

But come, we mus'nt stand here talkin, else we'll get a dammin when they drives down a buck into the pond, and none of us in there to tackle with him!" So without more ado, we got into our boats, disposed our guns, with the stocks towards us in the bows, laid in our stock of tinder, pipes, and liquor, and rowed off merrily to our appointed stations.

And then he returned to his hotel, where he vented his wrath upon Mr. Morgan his valet, "dammin and cussin upstairs and downstairs," as that gentleman observed to Mr. Foker's man, in whose company he partook of dinner in the servants' room of the George. The servant carried the news to his master; and Mr.

An' gin ye drive them to Jock Thamson's, or Jeemie Deuk's, it'll be just like savin' the word, I dinna inten' 't for sweirin', guid kens! I say it'll just be dammin' them afore their time, like the puir deils. Hech! but it'll come sune eneuch, an' they're muckle to be peetied!"

Aircher, it ben't no use to tell you on't, with Tom, there, puttin' a body out, and swearin' it's a lie, and dammin' a chap up and down. It ben't no use to tell you, and yet I'd kind o' like to, but then you won't believe a fellow, not one on you!" "In course not," answered Forester; and at the same instant Tom struck in likewise

He says he told him as he could have give him a motto out of Shakespeare about layin' on an' dammin' as would have put life in the campaign right off at the beginnin'; an' then there's Mrs. Macy as thinks he was awful mean to call her one as carries weight anywhere; I'm sure I wish Elijah had let Mrs. Macy alone for she's worse than hornets over that remark of his.

Rhoda asked. "I thought, maybe, you was old enough. Misc Somers, she see him up yer to Kint River a-crossin' to 'Napolis. He was a-swarin' at the cappen of the piriauger and a dammin' of the Eas'n Shu, and he said they wan't no good rudes in Marylan' nohow; that the Wes'n Shu was all red mud, an' the Eas'n Shu yaller mud, an' the bay was jus' pizen.

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