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Why Crewe should have practised such reticence, why it signified kindness and thoughtfulness to Mrs. Damerel, neither he nor she could easily have explained. But their eyes met, with diffident admiration on the one side, and touching amiability on the other. Then they discussed Nancy's inexplicable behaviour from every point of view; or rather, Mrs.

At the end of a week she found herself in possession of a sum which was, within a few pounds, sufficient to procure her lover's discharge from the army! Poor Lucy could hardly believe her eyes when the manufacturer laid down the bank-notes before her. She pinned them carefully into the bosom of her frock, and hastened to tell Dame Damerel that all their troubles were over.

As they were both very well-conducted persons, their love passages were looked upon with a favourable eye both by Dame Damerel and by the farmer's wife, Mrs Modbury, though neither openly sanctioned it, for prudence' sake. Luke and Lucy, however, loved on, as they thought, in secret, determining not to reveal their mutual affection till they should be placed in circumstances to get married.

'No more did I. It really gave me a little shock of surprise. 'Do you think it likely she is married? Mrs. Damerel pursed her lips and arched her eyebrows with so unpleasant an effect on Nancy that she looked away. 'I have no means whatever of forming an opinion. 'But there's no more fear for Horace, said Nancy. 'I hope not I think not.

November and December he should spend at Bournemouth under the best medical care, and after that, if needful, his wife would go with him to Madeira or some such place. No wonder Mrs. Damerel could think of nothing but the great fact that Horace had secured a fortune. Constitutional lightness of heart had enabled her to enjoy life on a steadily, and rapidly, diminishing fund.

Damerel. From Chancery Lane she passed into Fleet Street, and sauntered along with observation of shop-windows. She was unspeakably relieved by the events of the afternoon; it would now depend upon her own choice whether she preserved her secret, or declared herself a married woman.

No letter came from Luke, and there was no proof that he had received hers. Lucy began gradually to despond; for work became slack, and at times she only got enough to employ her half the day. Not to lose ground, however, she hired herself to the neighbouring farmers' wives to sew during her spare time, leaving Dame Damerel to the occasional care of Susan Larkin.

Is the poor girl talked about? 'No, no, Crewe replied, with confidence. 'The person who told me is the only one who has found it out; you may depend upon that. 'It must be a woman, said Mrs. Damerel sharply. 'Yes, it's a woman. Some one I know very well. She told me just because she thought I was still hoping to marry Miss.

She examined his face attentively, her lips set with tolerable firmness. 'It's a very difficult position, you know, said Horace, wriggling in his chair. 'I can't get out of it all at once. And the truth is, I'm not sure that I wish to. Mrs. Damerel drew her eyebrows together, and gave a loud tap on the floor. 'Oh, that's weak that's very weak! After promising me!

'You surely wouldn't, pursued the lady, with emphasis, watching him closely; 'you surely wouldn't and couldn't marry this girl as soon as your poor father was in his grave? 'Oh, of course not. Mrs. Damerel seemed relieved, but pursued her questioning. 'You couldn't think of marrying for at least half a year? 'Fanny wouldn't wish it.