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Updated: August 8, 2024

The old gentleman's silly, so I have to take him some gingerbread.... Say, I must tell you something funny he's the cutest young one! I gave him five cents for the missionary box, and he went and bought a jew's-harp! I had to laugh, it was so cute in him. But I declare, sometimes I don't know what I'm going to do with him, he's that fresh!" "Spank him," Maurice advised.

He's the cutest feller I've heard of in a long while. If it wasn't for Bill Hickson we'd never hear tell of him, even. He could enter Manila, I believe, and go out again without us ever knowin' it at all." Archie was now called on to tell something of the rebel leader's appearance, and how he had acted while in the town.

He said it was right along here that one of the cutest things in that book happened; so we looked down and watched while he told about it, because there ain't anything that is so interesting to look at as a place that a book has talked about.

Indeed, Jotham noticed a rabbit bounding off among the hummocks of higher ground; and Noodles afterwards declared that he had seen the "cutest little pussycat" ambling away; though the others vowed it must have been a skunk, and gave Noodles fair warning that if ever he tried to catch such a cunning "pussycat" he would be buried up to the neck until his clothes were fumigated.

He was a Yankee, and although the Yankees were by no means the only scoundrels there, for there was no lack of such English, Scotch, Irish, German, and Chinese they were unquestionably the "'cutest!" This man was very busy when they approached, and appeared to be quite indifferent to them.

Hawkes had a dinner for just the five old ladies, you know. Wasn't that sweet? The family had to have their dinner earlier just the five old ladies. Wasn't that a cute idea? Ellen said they looked perfectly dear, all together! Mary Clute couldn't get here from San Francisco, you know, but she sent Grandma a tea-pot cover the cutest thing! Did you see the Davids' baby?

You may have noticed, perhaps, that such chaps are always mighty well posted up about the original designs of Providence; especially as to who's foreordained to be kept down. He says God cussed Ham, and the niggers are the descendants of Ham. I told him if there was an estate of Ham's left unsettled, I reckoned 't would puzzle the 'cutest lawyer to hunt up the rightful heirs."

"Guess now they had 'em aboard to pull the wool over the eyes o' any customs men that happened to board the sloop lookin' for contraband stuff meant to claim they was fetchin' mahogany logs to a States market. Gee whiz! they sure are a tough proposition to move around but here's the cutest little fort any playboy could wish for.

Well, that doesn’t sound like a wolf or a fox,” thought Bawly. “I guess it’s safe to go on.” So he didn’t hide under the stump, but hopped along, and in a little while he came to a place in the woods where there were no trees, and, bless you! if there wasn’t the cutest little house you’ve ever seen!

"Of course. I detest waiting for trains or anything else. I'm just dying to go, and I've got the cutest little traveling case. It " "Has a special compartment for chocolates; hasn't it, Grace?" asked Mollie Billette, whose dark and flashing eyes, and black hair, with just a shade of steely-blue in it, betrayed the French blood in her veins.

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