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Updated: August 24, 2024

There may be any quantity of intermediate mind, in various conditions of bog; some, wholesome Scotch peat, some, Pontine marsh, some, sulphurous slime, like what people call water in English manufacturing towns; but the elements of Croyance and Mescroyance are always chemically separable out of the putrescent mess: by the faith that is in it, what life or good it can still keep, or do, is possible; by the miscreance in it, what mischief it can do, or annihilation it can suffer, is appointed for its work and fate.

These two men were bitter and upright and narrow, like the worst of Scotsmen, and indeed, upon my heart, I fancy they were worse. The priest snorted aloud like a battle-horse. 'Et vous pretendez mourir dans cette espece de croyance? he demanded; and there is no type used by mortal printers large enough to qualify his accent. I humbly indicated that I had no design of changing.

"Mais a quoi bon! Ca ne sert rien! Dieu pent exister sans votre croyance, Monsieur! je vous jure!" And he laughed a hearty laugh that was infectious and carried the laughter of everyone else with it. Longford, irritated, turned to his next neighbour with some trite observation, and allowed the discussion to drop.

Le culte des hommes morta faisoit presque tout le fond de l'idolatrie; presque tous les hommes sacrificient aux manes, c'est-a-dire aux ames des morts. De si anciennes erreurs nous font voir a la verite combien etoit ancienne la croyance de l'immortalite de l'ame, et nous montrent qu'elle doit etre rangee parmi les premieres traditions du genre humain.

III; Taine, On Intelligence, Part II. James, The Will to Believe and Other Essays, p. 10. Payot, De la croyance, 139 ff. B. Perez, Les trois premières années de l'enfant, p. 323. Sully, op. cit., pp. 59-61. Compayré, L'évolution intellectuelle et morale de l'enfant, p. 145. The groaning continued.

These two men were bitter and upright and narrow, like the worst of Scotsmen, and indeed, upon my heart, I fancy they were worse. The priest snorted aloud like a battle-horse. "Et vous prétendez mourir dans cette espèce de croyance?" he demanded; and there is no type used by mortal printers large enough to qualify his accent. I humbly indicated that I had no design of changing.

At the First International Congress of Philosophy, which was held in Paris, during the first five days of August, 1900, Bergson read a short, but important, paper, Sur les origines psychologiques de notre croyance a la loi de causalite.

There is a passage from Condorcet's Des Progr�s de l'esprit humain, which seems to have been written as a warning to our epoch: Le z�le religieux des philosophes et des grands n'�tait qu'une d�votion politique: et toute religion, qu'on se permet de d�fendre comme une croyance qu'il est utile de laisser au peuple, ne peut plus esp�rer qu'une agonie plus ou moins prolong�e.

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