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Dad useter take the hide off'n me and Bob for lyin'; an' then he'd stand an' palaver folks that he jest couldn't scurce abide, fur I heard him say so. That's lyin', too ain't it?" "I, I don't believe it is right to criticize our parents," returned Nan, dodging the sharp girl's question. "Mebbe yourn don't need criticizin'," responded Margaret, bluntly. "My dad ain't no angel, you kin bet."

"Lookee 'ere, Sandy," said Silas Long solemnly, "criticizin' the minister is next thing to criticizin' the Almighty. You'd better take a warnin'." His voice dropped to a whisper. "It ain't safe, Sandy, now, that's wot it ain't." Sandy McQuarry grunted scornfully.

If they was, there's some dogs that's racin' that would be in the pound, an' some men that's criticizin' that would be in jail." "Ready." George, poised lightly on the runners at the back of the trim sled, firmly grasped the curved top, and repeated the word to Spot, who held himself motionless but in perfect readiness for the final signal. "Go."

This Society was started by the leadin' men of Jonesville, for the purpose of searchin' out and criticizin' the affairs of the world, an' so far as possible advisin' and correctin' the meanderin's an' wrong-doin's of the universe. This Society, which we call the C.S.S. for short, has been ruther quiet for years.

It made me mad to hear them other folks in the car criticizin' the scenery 'nd things. A man's in mighty poor bizness, anyhow, to be lookin' at scenery when there's a woman in sight, a woman and a baby! Prutty soon oh, maybe in a hour or two the baby began to fret 'nd worrit. Seemed to me like the little critter wuz hungry.

"You've got her right, tenderfoot," he said; "'Ten Spot's' m' handle, an' if you're a-feelin' like criticizin' of her do her some rapid before I starts dealin' out the lead which is in my pritty." Just how one man could be so entirely remorseless as to shoot another when that other man was looking straight into his eyes Hollis could not understand.

The women stood motionless and silent, listening to the footsteps, first upon the stairs, then in the room above them. Then, as if releasing herself from something strange, Mrs. Hale began to arrange the dirty pans under the sink, which the county attorney's disdainful push of the foot had deranged. "I'd hate to have men comin' into my kitchen," she said testily "snoopin' round and criticizin'."

We ain't growin' no angels' wings, Patches, which would give us the right to go to criticizin' others." Presently he began to ride with more caution, for he wanted to surprise Hagar. A quarter of a mile from the cabin he brought Patches to a halt on a little knoll and looked about him. He had a good view of the cabin in the clearing, and he watched it long, for signs of life. He saw no such signs.

"So far as that goes I've generally noticed that folks with little brains are fond of criticizin' those with bigger ones. Part of such criticisms is 'don't understand' and the rest is plain jealousy. But what I meant by callin' you surprisin' was was Well," with a half laugh, "I might just as well say it plain. Ever since you've been here, Mr.