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In the centre of one cavern, a regular hill rises from the ground, with a stream running at its base. Several rivers are crossed in this vast cavern, one is called the Echo River, another the Styx, and a third the Lethe. They are inhabited by fish and crawfish, sightless and perfectly white.

One Rembrandtesque passage may be quoted in which Marsden narrates his visit to the pa of Pataua, near Whangarei. When I had reached the top, I found a number of men, women, and children sitting round their fires roasting snappers, crawfish, and fern root. It was now quite dark.

Approaching Cortés he took from one of his slaves a massive collar, made of the shells of a kind of crawfish much prized by the Indians, set in gold, and connected by heavy golden links; from this hung eight finely-worked ornaments, each a span long, made to resemble the crawfish, but of fine gold.

They saw no unjust inequality even when, Crébiche having three times spelt "earth" with an u, the master paced to and fro on the bare ground among the unmatched desks and break-back benches, running his hands through his hair and crying: "Well! well aht thou name' the crawfish; with such rapiditive celeritude dost thou progress backwardly!"

There were oysters, lobsters, wurrali, and crawfish, stewed chicken, boiled sucking-pig, plantains, bread-fruit, melons, bananas, oranges, and strawberries.

Another protroods its nose out up by Crawfish's collar. "'Which you shore seems ha'nted of snakes? I says, steppin' back an' p'intin' at the reptiles. "'Them's my dumb companions, says Crawfish Jim. 'They shares my solitood.

The Old Cattleman bent upon me an eye of benevolent inquiry. I assured him that the details of the taking off of Crawfish Jim were as a sealed book to me. But I would blithely listen. "What was the fate of Crawfish Jim?"I asked. The name seemed a promise in itself. "Nothin' much for a fate, Crawfish's ain't," rejoined the Old Cattleman. "Nothin' whatever compared to some fates I keeps tabs onto.

Lewes, they talk of the 'specific shape' assumed by an 'organic plasma' being 'always dependent on the polarity of its molecules, 'or due to the operation of immanent properties; or declare that, in the process of organic evolution, 'each stage determines its successor, 'consensus of the whole impressing a peculiar direction on the development of parts, and the law of Epigenesis necessitating a serial development, insomuch that, 'every part being the effect of a pre-existing, and in turn the cause of a succeeding part, the reason why, when a crab loses its claw, the member is reproduced, is that the group of cells remaining at the stump 'is the necessary condition of the genesis' of precisely that new group which the reproductive process imperatively requires to follow next in order, this second group equally the necessary condition for genesis of the one required third, the third for the fourth, and so on; and that the reason why the thorns of a blackberry admit of somewhat close comparison with the hooks and spines of certain crustaceæ, is that portions of the integument of both plant and crawfish 'tend under similar external forces to develop' into similar forms?

"Now, what do you s'pose this old Navajo does? Lopes straight over to the New York Store is ca'm as a June day about it, too an' gets a six-shooter. "The next information we gets of Crawfish, 'bang! goes his new gun, an' the bullet cuts along over Jack Moore's head too high for results. New gun that a-way, an' Crawfish not up on his practice; of course he overshoots.

By the way, how shall I write you on the book?" Pink stooped and with his handkerchief carefully, wiped the last speck of Dry Lake dust from his shiny toes. "Yuh won't crawfish on me, if I tell yuh?" he inquired anxiously, standing up and adjusting his belt again. "Of course not." Chip looked his surprise at the question.