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Craik was your mother's name. If friend Voles had only kept his hands clean, or even treated you honorably, you might now be Mrs. Ralph Meiklejohn, eh?" He was playing with her with the affable gambols of a cat toying with a doomed mouse. Each instant Fowle was becoming more perturbed. He did not like the way in which the detective ignored him. Was he to be swallowed at a gulp when his turn came?

We took a by-way to avoid the manor-house, which stood on the rising ground twixt us and the mountain, I walking close to John Paul's shoulder and feeling for him at every step. Presently, at a turn of the path, we were brought face to face with an elderly gentleman in black, and John Paul stopped. "Mr. Craik!" he said, removing his hat. But the gentleman only whistled to his dogs and went on.

This donation also proves, that the Lord is willing even now, as formerly, to send large sums. But I expect still larger. The same sister who sent the 50l. for the Orphans, sent, at the same time, 30l. to be divided between brother Craik and me for our personal expenses. How abundantly does the Lord care for us! Truly we serve a kind Master! Dec. 5.

Today we moved into our house, having lived nearly two years with brother and sister Craik. June 4. Today a sister called on me, and I felt irritated at her staying, after having given her to understand that I had but a few minutes time. I sinned thus against the Lord. Help Thou me, blessed Jesus, in future! June 8. Lord's day.

Craik had answered: "Your name is a popular one, and anything coming from you is pretty sure of a sale. But we should consider whether even your name will persuade the public to buy this book on Rouen." It was abandoned for the consideration of a work on the "Western Islands," to which Messrs. Macmillan were favorable. Mr.

Craik called the best of all her poem's many settings. Only Marston's later piano pieces are really klaviermässig. So fine a work as his "Gavotte in B Minor" has no need to consider the resources of the modern instrument. It has a color scheme of much originality, though it is marred by over-repetition.

"I do, and I am interested in her." "A lady?" John Craik was dotting his i's with the contemplativeness of artistic finish. "Essentially so." "And poor?" "Yes, and proud as " "A Spaniard," suggested John Craik. "If you will. It is a vice which has almost become a virtue in these democratic days." John Craik looked up. "I will do what I can, Lloseta," he said.

'I don't want to suggest anything, Mrs Lawford, began Mr Craik rather hurriedly, 'but wouldn't it perhaps be wiser not to wait for Mr Bethany? It is not at all unusual for him to be kept a considerable time in the vestry after service, and to-day is the Feast of St Michael's and all Angels, you know. Mightn't your husband be er coming back, don't you think?

Another boy toward whose education Washington contributed was the son of Doctor James Craik the boy being a namesake. Doctor Craik was one of Washington's oldest and dearest friends. He was born in Scotland two years before Washington saw the light at Wakefield, graduated from Edinburgh University, practised medicine in the West Indies for a short time and then came to Virginia.

I am a director; I am a considerable shareholder; and, as head of the firm of Dwerrihouse, Dwerrihouse, and Craik, I am the company's principal solicitor." Loquacious, self-important, full of his pet project, and apparently unable to talk on any other subject, Mr.