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"While I was cooling my heels in Cosham I bought a county map." He produced and opened it. "Here, you see, is the road out of Fareham." He proceeded with the calm deliberation of a business man to develop a proposal of taking train forthwith to Winchester. "They MUST be going to Winchester," he explained. It was inevitable.

What remark of his would ever reach these fabulous and fantastic characters? for there was something fantastically unreal in the curious swayings and noddings of Mrs. Cosham, as if her equipment included a large wire spring. Her voice had a high-pitched, cooing note, which prolonged words and cut them short until the English language seemed no longer fit for common purposes.

"By Jove!" he said to himself. He reached down his A B C and looked out a train for Cosham. "I may as well go down to dinner," he thought. His next proceeding was to telephone to his chambers instructing his man to meet him at Waterloo with his suit-case. Then he wrote a telegram to Mrs. Smith announcing that he would dine with her that evening.

In the morning at nine o’clock he walked along the main road towards Cosham till he reached the turning to Porchester, went down it a couple of hundred yards, and sat on a grassy bank till he saw the pedlar approaching. “It is a foggy morning,” the huckster said when he came up. “So much the better.

"Thank you, Harry," said Meta. "I cannot talk rationally just yet. Don't think me unkind, Tom." Tom sat in a sort of trance all the rest of the evening. Lord Cosham talked to Norman, who felt as if he were being patronised on false pretences, drew into his shell, and displayed none of his "first-rate abilities." Dr.

You have your Belloc, your Chesterton, your Bernard Shaw why should you read De Quincey?" "But I do read De Quincey," Ralph protested, "more than Belloc and Chesterton, anyhow." "Indeed!" exclaimed Mrs. Cosham, with a gesture of surprise and relief mingled. "You are, then, a 'rara avis' in your generation. I am delighted to meet anyone who reads De Quincey."

Still he owned himself greatly allured by the career proposed by Lord Cosham, and thought Norman should consider the opportunities of doing good in, perhaps, a still more important and extensive field than that which he had chosen. "Time was that I should have grasped at such a prospect," said Norman; "but I am not the man for it. I have too much ambition, and too little humility.

"No, I don't like the ordinary woman either " "Ah, dear me, I've no doubt that's very true, very true." Mrs. Cosham sighed. "Swift would have agreed with you, anyhow " She looked at him, and thought that there were signs of distinct power in his brow. He would do well, she thought, to devote himself to satire. "Charles Lavington, you remember, was a solicitor," Mrs.

"I lay she'll be in Portsmouth afore I'm half-a-mile up road. Good-night, farmer, I'm off to the Three Waggoners." "Bust if I don't go, too. There be summat to wet our whistles on to-night, eh, men?" Before the farmer reached the hospitable door of the Three Waggoners, Smith had made his descent upon a broad open space in his father's park near Cosham.

May thought it a great relief that Meta had a home with Flora, for, as he said to Ethel as they went home together, "Certainly, except Lord Cosham, I never saw such an unpresentable crew as their relations. You should have heard the boys afterwards!