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You'd be wiser to keep away from Ruby Gillis. The doctors say consumption's catching. I always knew Ruby'd get something, gadding off to Boston last fall for a visit. People who ain't content to stay home always catch something." "People who don't go visiting catch things, too. Sometimes they even die," said Diana solemnly.

Come to the mother, when she feels, For the first time, her first-born's breath; Come when the blessed seals That close the pestilence are broke, And crowded cities wail its stroke; Come in consumption's ghastly form, The earthquake shock, the ocean storm; Come when the heart beats high and warm With banquet song, and dance, and wine; And thou art terrible: the tear, The groan, the knell, the pall, the bier, And all we know, or dream, or fear Of agony, are thine.

A girl at Bally William died of a chill, and consumption's in our family. Me mother's cousin suffered from it every winter. I want to die!" "Here, sit up! I am going to unhook you. Dear me, what a mess you have made of your fine collar! I don't know what Lottie will say when she sees it. Lucky girl to be out to-night and escape all this fuss! She always gets the best of things.

'In all my born days I never makes a killin' never gets up winner once. I was foaled a loser, an' I'll keep a-losin' ontil this yere malady which it's consumption-which has me in charge delivers me to the angels an' gets its receipt. "It's a mockery what transpires touchin' this Rainbow Sam. Jest as he states, the consumption's got him treed an' out on a limb.

He visits the specialist, convinced that he is consumptive, he receives confirmation of his convictions, and you see him to-day presenting the appearance, and reproducing all the symptoms of a patient in consumption's final stage. Possibly the germs of tuberculosis may be dormant in his organisation, waiting the opportunity to develop into activity!

Why consumption's a pin-prick compared to gout! No pain use of both legs sanguine disposition. Where the hell's that medical dictionary? Ah, it's there, is it then why the devil didn't you give it me before?" Sir Peter read solemnly for a few minutes, and then flung the book on the floor. "Bosh!" he cried angrily. "All old woman's nonsense.

But the men, the Americans; je vous demande un peu, what do they make of it over here? I don't envy them trying to arrange themselves. Look at poor Ralph Touchett: what sort of a figure do you call that? Fortunately he has a consumption; I say fortunately, because it gives him something to do. His consumption's his carriere it's a kind of position. You can say: 'Oh, Mr.

Two swart, black-eyed children were playing mumble-peg with a broken knife, in one corner of the room; a third, with tears still on its lashes, had just sobbed itself to sleep on a strip of faded carpet stretched before the smouldering embers on the hearth; while the fourth, a feeble infant only six months old, was wailing in the arms of its mother, a thin, sickly woman, with consumption's red autograph written on her hollow cheeks, where the skin clung to the bones as if resisting the chill grasp of death.