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She will whisper to you that it isn't of so much consequence what comes to the Sylvia Lacey you are conscious of at present. She will promise you that if you will listen to her and make her your own, you will learn a happier Sylvia, a better consciousness in God's good time. 'Great peace have they who love His law.

The grass, especially, gives out these heat-waves very quickly, because the blades, being very thin, are almost all surface. In consequence of this they part with their heat more quickly than they can draw it up from the ground, and become cold.

In every narrative, whether historical or biographical, authenticity is of the utmost consequence . Of this I have ever been so firmly persuaded, that I inscribed a former work to that person who was the best judge of its truth.

As a consequence I was ordering my men to take over the church tower, from where, after a delay of half an hour and three rolls on the drums they would fire on the occupants of the square, while patrols would clear the streets by shooting, mainly at those who had left their work in the country to come and do us harm.

Yet if a little lassie stumbled into the shop and asked for a pennyworth of peppermints, he would order her to be served, adding a peppermint or two more, and some good advice which sent away the little woman much impressed; for though the Bailie committed one big, blazing indiscretion, and suffered terribly in consequence thereof, he was a good and honest man.

They were the sort of villages where a man's mother-in-law, coming to pay him a visit, might wander around all day, hearing him, and even now and then seeing him, yet never being able to get at him in consequence of not knowing the way in. A drunken man, living in one of these villages, could never hope to get home. He would have to sit down outside, and wait till his head was clear.

In the fossil there is rarely any trace of the form of these cavities, in consequence of the shrinkage of the surrounding tissues. These protuberances may possibly indicate the place of a joint at the lower extremity of the rootlet.

She was pale and wan, but smiled when she saw me and gave me her cheek to kiss. "Good morning," she whispered. "The flowers were lovely." "I'm glad you liked them, Sis, dear," I said, sitting down by the side of her bed. I asked her the usual questions, how she felt and if she wanted anything, and then tried to lead up to the only question that was of any consequence to either of us.

"'Because right is right to follow right Were wisdom in the scorn of consequence," quoted Gilbert. "Oh, you think a couplet of poetry a convincing argument!" scoffed Anne. "That is so like a man." And then she laughed in spite of herself. It sounded so like an echo of Miss Cornelia.

Sailors' wives were also there, and perhaps some who could not produce the marriage certificates; but as these were not asked for at the door, it was of no consequence.