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Every man has some good quality or other; and, I much fear, some bad ones also. But, here is the fellow coming back, and I do not like to let him think himself of sufficient consequence to be the subject of our remarks." "Very true, sir it adds excessively to the trouble of such fellows, to let them fancy themselves of importance."

But when his sister lost her situation in the firm that paid her such splendid wages, and fell ill, and went into hospital in consequence, he lost heart, and had a relapse of wickedness. He grew savage with regard to life in general, and committed a petty theft, which, although not discovered, necessitated his absence from home for a time.

Unfortunately, to keep clear of the troops, the driver kept too much on one side of the narrow defile through which we passed: the consequence was, that the waggon upset, and I was thrown out a considerable distance down the precipice. `And broke your nose, interrupted I. "`No, indeed, sir, I did not.

"Yes, I can; I can let her brother know. It must be done, Miss Vincent. I have promised, and it is of fearful consequence." "Should you know her?" "Oh yes. I have often talked to her in Mrs. Henderson's class. I could not mistake her."

With respect to the Passing of Strait le Mair or going round Staten Land, I look upon of little Consequence, and either one or the other to be pursued according to Circumstances; for if you happen to fall in with the land to the Westward of the Strait, and the winds favourable for going through, it certainly must be a piece of folly to lose time in going round Staten Land, for by paying a little Attention to the Directions I have already given no ill Consequences can attend; but on the Contrary if you should fall in with the land to the eastward of the Straits or the wind should prove Boisterous, or unfavourable, in any of these Cases the going to the eastward of Staten Land is the most Advisable.

As a consequence, it was a thoroughly rejuvenated Nora that landed in Montreal. The stress and strain of the past summer was forgotten or only to be looked back upon as a sort of horrid nightmare from which she had happily awakened. It was too late in the day after they had landed to think of continuing her journey.

I felicitated myself on my present happiness, for when Mona was singing I wanted nothing more. I seemed to forget then that she would not listen to my tale of love, or if I thought of it I attached no consequence to it. The voice seemed to be a thing by itself, and a thing which in some way appeared to belong wholly to me, whether Mona was mine or not.

"Palliser left my service a week or more ago," Tallente replied. "He left it at a moment's notice, in consequence of a personal disagreement concerning which I beg that you will ask no questions I can only assure you that it was not political. Since he left no word has been heard of him. The papers, even, have been making capital of his disappearance."

Monckton: from which, two days after her arrival in town, he was himself summoned, by an information that his agent had suddenly left the kingdom. The fatal consequence of this fraudulent elopement was immediate bankruptcy.

"A shot more or less is of little consequence to me." He accordingly delivered his weapon to Hugh Crombie and walked carelessly away. "Come, Master Walcott, the enemy has retreated. Victoria!