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At the same moment Sagan on the other side of the grave pulled up his big horse on its haunches. The foresters stood rigid, waiting on the Count's wishes. He looked over their heads at Rallywood. 'Colendorp has been found, he said with his most surly bearing.

Colendorp was a silent, reserved man, disliked by persons who met him casually in society, but to those who inhabited with him the quarters at the Palace he stood as the impersonation of the grim spirit of the Guard. He drew away from the table and crossed his legs. 'The idea has at length occurred to one man, he with his glance on Unziar's pale face, 'to M. Selpdorf, in fact.

'As a private gentleman, Colonel put in Colendorp. 'As a private individual I understand your meaning very well.

The only hope for Maäsau is to move at once and to move boldly before it is too late, and while we are still in a position to choose for ourselves under the conditions which suit us best and will best conduce to the preservation of our freedom. Colendorp listened without any change of expression. 'What is your opinion, Captain Colendorp? asked Sagan at last.

Rallywood rode out under the gate of the Castle of Sagan as the last trooper clattered down the rocky roadway in the rear of the Duke's carriage, for upon the arrival of the squadron from Révonde he had received orders to remain behind, the search for Colendorp having so far proved unsuccessful. Rallywood rode slowly down the shoulder of the mountain spur.

At this crisis, however, Elmur would gladly have hedged or masked his position, for he knew himself to be overmuch at the mercy of the equivocal tact and discretion of his ungovernable coadjutor. 'I cannot help thinking that my presence at the outset will make Captain Colendorp shy at any proposition whatever, said Elmur again. 'Do you want to draw back?

The death and the burial of Colendorp, Sagan's resentment and his ruthless scheming were all eddies of circumstance circling inward and carrying him with them to a definite issue. As he rode on the weather grew rapidly worse, and it soon became impossible to see more than a few yards ahead.

'My principal, he began, 'has just pointed out that this meeting is rather in the nature of the justification of an opinion than a quarrel in the ordinary sense; then, repeating Rallywood's contention, he added, 'You will see that it remains for Lieutenant Unziar to prove himself in the right. Colendorp threw out a bitter oath, Adolf objected softly, and Jenard stood silent and in dismay.

He was seated at a writing-table, and he glanced carelessly over them as Sagan went on. 'Under your approval those papers include Lieutenant Unziar's appointment as captain, vice Colendorp 'Deceased, put in the Duke with a sharp significance. Sagan frowned. Gustave had a curious alertness about him to-night. 'Yes, poor fellow! We can ill spare him, he said.

Therefore the Guard must be with us. 'I am not the colonel of the Guard, said Colendorp quietly. Sagan took this in some form as an agreement with his views, some surrender on the part of the Guardsman, and he broke out into a flood of speech. 'No, but Wallenloup!