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Rallywood handed his pistol to Jenard, and bowing to the assembled men ceremoniously, he went on: 'I hope we may consider the affair concluded, and as I am engaged for the dance that is about to begin, I trust you will excuse me. And with another bow he was gone. No one spoke for a little while, then Unziar walked towards the others with no very pleasant face.

He's too sure of himself, this Rallywood. If he kills Unziar, which is unlikely, I shall have to finish the affair myself! with a frowning importance that sent Adiron into one of his ready roars of laughter. The Cloister was still echoing with the sound when Rallywood, accompanied by Jenard, arrived from the other side of the palace, where the state rooms were situated.

'My principal, he began, 'has just pointed out that this meeting is rather in the nature of the justification of an opinion than a quarrel in the ordinary sense; then, repeating Rallywood's contention, he added, 'You will see that it remains for Lieutenant Unziar to prove himself in the right. Colendorp threw out a bitter oath, Adolf objected softly, and Jenard stood silent and in dismay.

Courtesy demanded that Rallywood and his friends should fall in with this proposal, and Rallywood, replying to Adiron, added: 'You have heard exactly what passed between Lieutenant Unziar and myself, and I am sure I cannot do better than leave the matter in your hands in conjunction with my friend, Colonel Jenard.

On the way Jenard explained to Rallywood that the procedure decided upon as being best suited to the requirements of the case was simply alternate shots at twenty paces. Rallywood and Unziar being placed, one of the men sent a coin spinning up into the air. Then followed a long minute of silence. St.

Unziar's generosity rose to the occasion. 'Our gain in the Guard is your loss in the Cavalry, Colonel Jenard, he said handsomely. Jenard acknowledged the implied compliment, and went off leaving the three Guardsmen together. 'We shall have to swallow the Englishman after all, said Colendorp blackly. 'How came you to miss him, Unziar? Unziar raised his eyebrows. 'Who can tell?