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He was, perhaps, nearer thirty than twenty, and the face under his dull, colourless hair was singularly pale, but there was promise of great strength in the long angular body. 'My congratulations, Unziar. Colendorp turned to the new-comer. 'Thanks. By the way, have you heard of Insermann? Gone out, they tell me. 'Yes. And have you heard of the new appointment? 'No.

'Gentlemen, said Wallenloup at length, when his last remark had been received with approval, 'I have the honour to inform you that M. Selpdorf has seen fit to appoint, vice Captain Insermann, deceased, Lieutenant John Rallywood, of the Frontier Cavalry. A silence followed this announcement. 'Upon whose recommendation has M. Selpdorf taken this step? inquired Captain Colendorp gravely.

Unziar bowed and continued as if the interlude with its covert allusions had not taken place. 'It has been difficult to get at Rallywood this evening. Yet let us see how he shoots before we conclude that he has any rooted objection to handling a pistol. I agree with Captain Colendorp, that the affair should be brought off to-night. I will go and find the Englishman.

Unziar and Rallywood with two troopers watched in the guard-room, through which lay the only approach to his sleeping chamber. Unziar, could Unziar be trusted? He had heard something of Unziar and that handsome vixen of Selpdorf's. Then Colendorp ah, there was no doubt there!

She shrank back, suppressing a cry, from his angry grasp; but few had time to notice the incident, for the outer door clanged back upon its hinges to admit the Duke, who, shivering in his furs, entered upon the arm of Colendorp. Sagan advanced to meet him, but the Duke, glancing round the hall with a shudder, cut his formal greetings short.

Yet Simon was powerful and unscrupulous; how could this handful of men oppose him? He sprang up in his bed as the door opened and a man stood on the threshold. 'Sire, there is treason! Colendorp has been murdered. 'Is it you, Unziar? The Duke's voice came strangely from his pillows. 'Send for the whole escort of the Guard from their quarters. 'Impossible, sire!

'I think, Colendorp, you will agree with me that as men of honour we must consider the matter ended. 'And in Captain Rallywood's favour? asked Colendorp suddenly. 'Certainly. What do you say, gentlemen? Adiron spoke with warmth. 'I suppose we must concede that it was neatly done, and that Captain Rallywood deserves his success, agreed Adolf with some constraint.

'Then' Elmur laid a hand on the old man's shoulder, but Sagan shook it off 'then, Captain Colendorp, he must go to make room for another who can better fill his place! Just as Wallenloup must go to give room to another and less obstructive chief. Colendorp's dark eyes glared straight in front of him.

Before he plunged into the lower ravines Rallywood turned to look back at the angry towers of Sagan. He was thinking of Colendorp. Under their shadow that lonely and reckless life had come to its close. Why or by whose hand might never be made clear, but Rallywood's mind had worked down to the conviction that the Count might be able to tell the story.

'I was not so blind as you supposed, Isolde said aloud, pointing an accusing finger at Valerie. 'I knew why you went. Shall I tell you, Jack? Rallywood looked up quickly. Colendorp naturally recurred to his mind. 'You could not have known, Valerie answered. 'But I did, though! Isolde went on. 'Listen to me, Jack.