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He yielded himself to the prospect with eager enthusiasm! The notion of taking a theatre that Cleo had put before him at their last meeting had already led him to make a rough calculation of his present resources, and he had estimated that a financial clearing-up would leave him with but little more than three hundred pounds.

"Perhaps," he thought, "someone is to be with them until nine tonight and she is afraid that I may come and make a fool of myself again, in public." So he spent his time longing for the evening and looking at his watch. But the clearing-up of the mystery came long before the evening, and came in the form of a new and agonizing riddle.

He said nothing at first, but, from the quiet settled expression of his face, the men felt convinced that he did not mean to let it pass. He ordered Ladoc to repair the roof forthwith, and bade Rollo commence a general clearing-up. He also set the other men to various occupations, and gave each to understand, that when his job was finished he might return to breakfast.

We've just received warnin' as no more poultry'll be wanted till further orders. 'I don't know, says I; but it was a lie, for it come over me in a flash what it all meant. Even then, however, I wasn't quite sure. "However, it was twenty-one weeks before I got the final clearing-up.

The whole question was fully discussed by the men after dinner, on the evening of the "clearing-up" day, and of course, as might be expected, it was no sooner recognised by the rest of the party that their host was anxious to bring the cruise to a close, than they all united in urging him to take Lady Olivia home at once, and put her under the care of her own especial physician.

"Always, with Pollyanna, you know, it was the 'clearing-up shower, both literally and figuratively; and I think you'll find she lives up to the same principle now though perhaps not quite in the same way. Poor child, I fear she'll need some kind of game to make existence endurable, for a while, at least." "Do you mean because Mrs. Chilton has lost her money? Are they so very poor, then?"

The air of his mind had had a sudden clearing-up; pity and anger were still throbbing there, but they had space to range at their pleasure, for doubts and scruples had abruptly departed.

Eugen was well aware that he had been kidnapped through the agency of the woman in the red hat, but, doubtless ashamed at having been her dupe, he would not proceed in any way with the clearing-up of the matter. 'You will receive in this room, Eugen? Aribert questioned him. 'Yes, was the answer, given pettishly. 'Why not?

Till I could meet Sinclair's eye and discern in it the happy clearing-up of all his doubts, I should not feel free to be my own ordinary and sociable self again.

Saturday morning was Polly's clearing-up day, and Fan found her with a handkerchief tied over her head, and a big apron on, just putting the last touches to the tidy little room, which was as fresh and bright as water, air, and a pair of hands could make it. "All ready for company. I 'll just whisk off my regimentals, and Polly, the maid, becomes Polly, the missis.