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Updated: August 24, 2024

We had a just cause. And then I should have taken you to Concord and Lexington, and I would have said, 'These farmers were clean-hearted men. They believed in law and order, they hated anarchy, and upon that belief and upon that hatred they built up a great nation. And thus ends the first lesson." He paused. "Lesson the second would have to do with the old churches."

My heart has beaten with joy because you were free of every degenerate trace that has marked and scarred Europe's cancerous Royalty! I've seen you come clean-hearted, straight-minded into man-hood; prepared you to show the world what a Kingdom can be with a clean King a strong King!

She presented him, and we saw that he was, indeed, no clergyman, no minister even in the sense that the Skeptic had differentiated these terms but a preacher and an embryo one at that a big, red-cheeked, honest-eyed boy, a straightforward, clean-hearted, large-purposed young fellow, who meant to do all the good in the world, in all the ways that he could bring about.

It is the miracle of soul in sex. Every clean-hearted youth that has had the happiness to marry a good woman and, thank Heaven, clean youths and good women are thick as leaves in Vallambrosa in this sturdy old world of ours every such youth has had his day of holy conversion, his touch of the wand conferring upon him the miracle of love, and he has been a better and wiser man for it.

I am glad you sang it at the Lone Hollow harvest home." "I would never have played it here for any one else," said Harry presently. "These things are not to be undertaken casually, but she well, I felt they had to listen, and I did the best that was in me. I think it was her clean-hearted simplicity."

But there was, since he was a man at the head of creation, something more subtle and noble in his preening. In those days he became curiously careful although, being naturally clean-hearted, he had little need for care of his very thoughts. Naturally fastidious in his soul habits, he became even more so.

She is all we have, General some one's got to take hold of things." As Barclay spoke General Ward grew white his face was aquiver as his trembling voice cried out: "Oh, God, John Barclay, and would you take my boy my clean-hearted, fine-souled boy, whom I have taught to fear God, and callous his soul with your damned money-making?

In imagination he saw her try it and fail; saw her lithe, shapely beauty lying broken and mangled at the cliff's foot; and in three bounds he had her fast locked in his restraining arms. She strove with him at first, like a wrestling boy, laughing and taunting him with being afraid for himself. Then Tom Gordon, clean-hearted as yet, did not know precisely what happened.

He was not well acquainted with the lawyer, but he now recalled that he never had liked the man. Bansemer had impressed him from the beginning as heartless, designing, utterly unlike his clean-hearted son. Bobby loved Graydon Bansemer in the way that one man loves a true friend.

"Holy Spirit of God, Most High, Creator, Comforter, let Thy pure gifts descend upon this clean-hearted man, that his courage fail not in life, nor in the hour of death. Hear me, a sinful woman, Thou who, with the Father and the Son, livest and reignest in glory forever!"

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