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Instantly the demon sprang forward, and, bending Its clawlike hands, clutched them around some little throat that was not there, but I could see it in my mind. And the look on its face was a blackest glimpse of hell. "'And now stand as thou didst in robbing the friend, stand, stand'; and again came the unknown words, and again the fiend obeyed.

Cottontails I found up to eight or nine thousand feet, but even higher I ran across their cousins, the snowshoe. He quite excelled me in manipulating his "webs" his tremendous hind feet with long, clawlike toes, covered with stiff and, I judged, waterproof hairs. He made his way nimbly over the soft, deep snow, while I on my webs often floundered and fell.

There was a tangled argument. "Well, he ," said the two, indicating their opponent with accusative forefingers. The huge soldier was quite purple with rage. He pointed at the two soldiers with his great hand, extended clawlike. "Well, they " But during this argumentative time the desire to deal blows seemed to pass, although they said much to each other.

Amont these, a few pencil jottings for his great defence of Charlotte Corday were eagerly seized upon by Merlin, and his grimy, clawlike hands fastened upon this scrap of paper, as upon a welcome prey. But there was nothing else of any importance. Deroulede was a man of thought and of action, with all the enthusiasm of real conviction, but none of the carelessness of a fanatic.

Constantly its clawlike fingers played with one or the other of these weapons. The walls of the chamber as well as the floor were entirely hidden by skins and woven fabrics. Blue predominated in all the colorations. Fastened against the hides were many pairs of Wieroo wings, mounted so that they resembled long, black shields.

Kirtley, who had stared at his new friend in this solemnity, turned a serious face toward the clawlike branches of his linden in its gauntness of late autumn-tide. This meaning of the animus that was impelling his odd and yet so normal German household, he began to see, was substantiated by a score of acts and attitudes in its daily life. He scarcely deemed it proper to tell of them.

As he spoke he stretched forth his hand and caught in his clawlike grasp the dainty white ruff that encircled Madge's neck. When I saw his act, my first impulse was to run him through, and I drew my sword half from its scabbard with that purpose. But he was not the sort of a man upon whom I could use my blade.

He spoke with absolute fluency but with a foreign accent. His hands were busy with the bandages, dexterous, clawlike hands that looked as if they were delving for treasure. She watched him, speechless and fascinated, for a few seconds. Then Burke set the lamp upon the chair against which she had leaned all the night, and bent down to her. "Let me help you!" he said.

"Would you be ... if ... Look at me closely, Mrs. Hilmer! Have you ever seen me before?" He bent toward her. She took his face between her two clawlike fingers. Her eyes were points of greedy flame. When she finally spoke her voice had almost a pensive quality to it. "You might have been Fred Starratt, once," she said, evenly. He rose to his feet. "I knew you were not dead," he heard her saying.

And now the Martians saw that the contest was hopeless for them, and their mad struggle to get out of the range of the disintegrators and to escape from the death chamber was more appalling to look upon than anything that had yet occurred. It was a panic of giants. They trod one another under foot; they yelled and screamed in their terror; they tore each other with their clawlike fingers.