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Truly! such has been known before. Then on the ground it slipped again, or he perhaps worked it off to his feet where it caught on his spur, and then he was dragged until the boot came off, and behold! he was dead." This had been Clarence's own theory of the murder, but he had only half confided it to Incarnacion.

She was wonderful in her pride, the dignity and the silence of her attitude toward her husband; she had been a wonderful mother to Clarence's daughter; not a loving mother, perhaps she was not loving to anyone but a miracle of determination and clearness of vision. Who else, her friends wondered, could have cleared the social horizon for Paula Breckenridge's daughter so effectively?

One lad in especial, Coles by name, attracted by Clarence's pleasant gentleness, and impelled by the generosity that shields the weak, became his guardian friend, and protected him from all the roughnesses in his power.

"The surprise is mutual, I assure you, sir," rejoined Clarence, coldly, and with slightly agitated manner. Hereupon ensued an embarrassing pause in the conversation, during which the ladies could not avoid observing the livid hue of Clarence's face.

When, early in 1821, the Duchess of Clarence's second child, the Princess Elizabeth, died within three months of its birth, the interest increased. Great forces and fierce antagonisms seemed to be moving, obscurely, about the royal cradle. It was a time of faction and anger, of violent repression and profound discontent.

She turned away, bitterly, contemptuously indignant and incredulous; and my corroborations only served to give both her and my father a certain dread of Clarence's influence over me, as though I had been either deceived or induced to back him in deceiving them. The unlucky incident plunged him back into the depths, just as he had begun to emerge.

Clarence's way was good, it was simple, it was dignified, it was direct and business-like; all I say is, it was not the best way: COURT CIRCULAR. On Monday, the king rode in the park. " Tuesday, " " " " Wendesday " " " " Thursday " " " " Friday, " " " " Saturday " " " " Sunday, " " " However, take the paper by and large, I was vastly pleased with it.

I grieve to say that one of his own tenants, namely, Jim Hooker, in his secret heart inclined to that belief, and looked upon Clarence's speculation as an act of far-seeing and inordinate vanity. Indeed, the belligerent Jim had partly and of course darkly intimated something of this to Susy in their brief reunion at the casa during the few days that followed its successful reoccupation.

Certainly she had said there was nobody at the house but Clarence and herself and Bill and Clarence's father, but a woman who could take the name of St. Andrews in vain as she had done wouldn't be likely to stick at a trifle. "Bill, old scout," I said, "there aren't any frightful girls or any rot of that sort stopping here, are there?" "Wish there were," he said. "No such luck."

Oh! what are the dull realities and the abortive offspring of this altered and humbled world the world of meaner and dwarfish men to him whose realms are peopled with visions like these?" And the artist, whose ardour, long excited and pent within, had at last thus audibly, and to Clarence's astonishment, burst forth, paused, as if to recall himself from his wandering enthusiasm.