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The most subtle and amazingly high motives had been assigned to Lord Charlton's most ordinary actions, and happily he had been so ordinary a person that no impossible shock had been given to the ideal built up about him.

"Her eyes so bright Dey shine at night When de moon am far away!" generally adding, "Ya! ya! dat am a fack, Brudder Bones! He! he! By George!" As Charlton's thoughts forecast his sister's future, it seemed to him darker than before. He had little hope of changing her, for it was clear that all the household authority was against him, and that Katy was hopelessly in love.

Who gave you authority to do any such thing? was again in Charlton's eyes, and an odd twinge crossed his mind; but, as before, his thoughts were silent. "My part of the business cannot have been arranged," he said, "for it lies in a question or two that I must put to the gentleman myself." "What will that question or two probably end in?" said Mr. Carleton, significantly.

"Don't listen to him, uncle Rolf!" said Fleda going round to her uncle, and making as she passed a most warning impression upon Charlton's arm, "don't mind what he says that young gentleman has been among the Mexican ladies till he has lost an eye for a really proper complexion. Look at me! do I look pale and thin?

Yet to turn, as he expressed himself, from the door, a man who, but for an incident the most incomprehensible, would now have been sole master of herself and her actions, seemed so unkind and so tyrannical, that she could not endure to be within hearing of his repulse: she begged, therefore, the use of Mrs Charlton's carriage, and determined to make a visit to Mrs Harrel till Delvile and his mother had wholly quitted Bury.

"In her," she continued, "had I found the companion I came prepared to meet, the companion from whom I had so lately parted, and in whose society I expected to find consolation for the loss of yours and of Mrs Charlton's, I should have complained of nothing; the very places that now tire, might then have entertained me, and all that now passes for unmeaning dissipation, might then have worn the appearance of variety and pleasure.

When their shy eyes met, it was with a queer little thrill as if they had kissed each other. It was late when they reached the flats. There was no sign of Charlton's party. "The flats run for miles each way. We might wander all night and not find them," Beulah mentioned. "Then we'll camp right here and look for them in the morning," decided Roy promptly. Together they built a camp-fire.

The road forks right here, mister." "Oh! I hope not, my dear friend. I didn't mean any offense. Give me your hand, and God bless you for your noble heart." Gray was touched as easily one way as the other, and he took Charlton's hand with emotion, at the same time drawing his sleeve across his eyes and saying, "God bless you, Mr. Charlton. You can depend on me.

His face was full of hopefulness as he sat down in Charlton's cell and smote his fat white hand upon his knee and said "Now!" and looked expectantly at his client. He waited a moment in hope of rousing Charlton's curiosity. "We've got them!" he said presently. "I told you we should pull through. Leave the whole matter to me." "I am willing to leave anything to you but my conscience," said Albert.

For Westcott's drunken voice could be heard singing snatches of negro melodies in a most melancholy tone. Somebody in the bar-room mentioned Charlton's name. "Got out, did he?" said Westcott in a maudlin tone. "How'd 'e get out? How'd 'e like it fur's he went? Always liked simple diet, you know. "Oh! if I wuz a jail-bird, With feathers like a crow, I'd flop around and "Wat's the rest? Hey?