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Maybe I'm not on duty, and I'll take you to supper if you've not got a date with one of your million-dollar Charlies." "Soft pedal, Phonzie! You know I'd break a date with any one of 'em any day in the week for a sixty-cent table d'hote with you!" "Hang around then, sweetness." "Hang around!

"The Turkish watchmen wear turbans not nightcaps; but they have lanterns and big coats, and in one respect they are remarkably like the old 'Charlies, as the London watchmen used to be called.

"Of course you know what you want to do! What are you in the habit of doing with your young friends your Carries and Charlies, and all the rest?" I guess I just stood and stared and didn't say anything; for after a minute he cried: "Well well well? I'm waiting." "Why, we we walk and talk and play games," I began; but right away he interrupted. "Good! Very well, then, we'll walk.

Here a pale-faced, sinister-looking old fellow, in a red woollen nightcap, with baggy protuberances hanging under his red bleared eyes, now came to a little half door, inside of which stood his office for receiving all charges against the various delinquents that the Charlies, or watchmen of the period, had conducted to him. "Here," said he, in a hoarse, hollow voice, "what's this what's this?

Verbal wit had amused the multitude long enough, and they became more practical in their recreation. Every youth on the town was seized with the fierce desire of distinguishing himself, by knocking down the "charlies," being locked up all night in a watchhouse, or kicking up a row among loose women and blackguard men in the low dens of St. Giles's.

An epidemic which was then rife in the city was each day taking its toll of the unhappy citizens. The wife of a man living in Merrion Square was stricken down and hastily buried in a churchyard in Donnybrook which is now closed. On the night after the funeral one of the city police, or "Charlies" as they were then called, passed through the churchyard on his rounds.

Then and there an active idea one with bones in it raced and overtook me, and I shot out: "Where is that letter?" "Mother has it," replied Peggy. "Have you opened it?" "No." "Has Aunt Elizabeth opened it?" "Oh no!" "Did Charlies Edward take it with him?" "I don't think he did. I will go ask mother." "Go ask mother for that letter," I commanded, "and bring it to me."

This is the same paper who's files were destroyed by fire and which papers does not now exist. Old Judge Richmond brought this old slave, from Virginia about 1862, along with a number of other slaves. "Uncle" Charlies was the only slave that remained in the family as a servant after the Emancipation Proclamation. Mr.

"I do not like double names," she added pleasantly. "They are too cumbersome." Elizabeth stored up the word greedily. "I shall call you Stuart, as there are four other Charlies here." When recess was over, so good-humored had Miss Hillary become that she apparently forgot that Lizzie Gordon was to be taught how to be mannerly, and sent her to her seat to take part in the examination.

Just as the old Charlies used to spring their wooden rattles that the thieves might get out of their way, so the Turkish watchman strikes the ground with an iron-shod staff, that makes a great noise, for the same purpose. In one respect, however, the Turkish watchmen are most useful they give warning of fires." "Are there often fires in Constantinople?" "Very often, Fred.