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The chancellor was wise; it would be better to dally with the truth than needlessly to sacrifice ten thousand lives. But what had the lieutenant further to conceal? The ambassador wanted no dinner. He rang for his hat and coat, and twenty minutes later he was in the chancellor's cabinet. "You seem out of health, Baron," was the chancellor's greeting. "I am indeed that, Count.

Thence to White Hall again, and there spent the afternoon, and then home to fetch a letter for the Council, and so back to White Hall, where walked an hour with Mr. Wren, of my Lord Chancellor's, and Mr.

Alfred soon made many friends among the clever young men of his day, chief among them being Arthur Hallam, whose father was a famous historian. At college Tennyson won the chancellor's prize for a poem on Timbuctoo, and the following year he published a second little volume of poems. This, though kindly received by some great writers, made hardly more stir than the little volume by "Two Brothers."

So we to bed. 20th. Up, and with Sir J. Minnes to attend the Duke, and then we back again and rode into the beginning of my Lord Chancellor's new house, near St. James's; which common people have already called Dunkirke-house, from their opinion of his having a good bribe for the selling of that towne. And very noble I believe it will be.

Many a Lord Chancellor's wife had been less intuitively a lady than she had shown herself to be in her lines to him. 'O poor fellow, poor fellow! mourned Edith Harnham. Her distress now raged as high as her infatuation. It was she who had wrought him to this pitch to a marriage which meant his ruin; yet she could not, in mercy to her maid, do anything to hinder his plan.

Baron Holstein, like Baron Kiderlen-Waechter, was formerly one of the confidential secretaries of Prince Bismarck, and a daily guest at his table, and was treated as a member of the old chancellor's family for years, yet he became one of the most relentless foes of the Bismarck family as soon as the prince was dismissed from office.

More laughable, but not more courteous, was the same Chancellor's speech to a solicitor who had made a series of statements in a vain endeavor to convince his lordship of a certain person's death.

Except during school hours Miss Braithwaite always retired during the Chancellor's visits, and so now the two were alone. "Otto," said the Chancellor gravely, "I want to talk to you very seriously." "Have I done anything?" "No." He smiled. "It is about something I would like you to do. For your grandfather." "I'll do anything for him, sir." "We know that. This is the point.

The moment Lieutenant Butzow had reached Lustadt he had gone directly to Prince von der Tann; but the moment his message had been delivered to the chancellor he sought out the chancellor's daughter, to tell her all that had occurred at Blentz. "I saw but little of Mr. Custer," he said. "He was very quiet. I think all that he has been through has unnerved him.

I was the intimate of the Austrian and English ambassadors; consequently, was caressed and esteemed in all companies. I soon became the favourite of the chancellor's lady, as I shall hereafter notice; and nothing more was wanting to obtain all I could wish.