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Hamilton Willis of Boston, whom let all men thank. I thanked him in my heart every morning, noon, and night, looking up from my seat at table to that distant peak, where otherwise I should have seen only a monotonous forest line. Over against the sunset is Mount Moriah, and Carter, and Surprise. You know them well. You can call them all by name.

"Where else could you come from?" said Shaw. "And what might you want now?" "I want to see your skipper." "Well, you can't," declared Shaw, viciously. "He's turned in for the night." "He expects me," said Carter, stamping his foot. "I've got to tell him what happened." "Don't you fret yourself, young man," said Shaw in a superior manner; "he knows all about it."

"Who is she?" Jane asked eagerly, turning to Carter. "Just K-22," said the agent, "and all she knows about you is that you are K-19. That's the way we work in the service mostly. The less one operative knows about another the better, for what you don't know you can't talk about." "Doesn't she even know my name?" persisted Jane.

Still no matter what it is," she said, turning and laying her hand with a trustful little movement upon his arm, "I have your love, my King." With one foot on the flat step of the castle entrance, as she said this Trusia turned to Carter, a world of capitulated love in her eyes. The wicket opened with a more ominous creak than was its wont, it seemed.

Yet always matched against all that she found lovable in him was the knowledge that he was a German, a traitor, a spy, perhaps a murderer, and at times she felt that she hated him with a hatred that never could be overcome. "Well," said Fleck, studying her countenance, "what have you to tell us?" "How is Dean?" she asked. "Will he live?" Fleck and Carter exchanged glances.

Carter was as confused as I. There had simultaneously been an encounter up in the turret. Blackstone and the course master were killed. The lookout had been shot from his post in the forward observatory. The body dangled now, twisted half in and half out the window.

Wilson supplying him with details as to time and place, which he was in no position to dispute. He turned to Mr. Evans, who was still acting as his banker, and, after a little hesitation, requested him to pay the money. Conversation seemed to fail somewhat after that, and Mr. Wilson, during an awkward pause, went off whistling. "Same old Joe," said Mr. Carter, lightly, after he had gone.

An honest warning would have merely flattered her with its implication of her importance; ah, no, Isabelle and Harriet might try to hold the child back but Granny knew girl nature better than either of them! "Well, then, I must follow them home," Harriet said, pleasantly. "You don't come back to-night?" To this Madame Carter very pointedly made no answer; her plans were not Miss Field's business.

Vincent kissed both the girls, and there was a glint of tears in her soft gray eyes as she shook hands with Miss Carter. Chuck was the only one who was quite master of himself. He nodded, as befitted a hero, to them all, until he came to Phyllis. "S'long," he said, taking her hand. "I'll see you to-morrow at two."

"There they go!" he said. "Carter and your mother married, by Jove! Well, Mary, this is about the best day's work for me that's come along for some time. Carter was speaking in the carriage only an hour ago about the possibility of our handling the New Nassau Bridge contract together. I don't know why not." George mused a moment, smilingly.