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"'Very good, melad, ses the capt'in, 'I relies on you, Joe. 'E always did and would you believe it, I upped an' 'ooked that there great rattlesnake out of the boiler with an old hum-brella!" There was a clerk who stood six-foot eight who was something of a "knut." He told me that at home he belonged to a "Lit'ry Society," and I asked him what books they had and which he liked. "'Ow d'yow mean?"

Ease her, Dick. It's blowing pretty fresh. We'll have a tough time tacking home against such a breeze as this. Maybe it'll change before night." "Capt'in Dab," calmly remarked Dick, "we's on'y a mile to run." "Well, what of it?" "Is you goin' fo' de inlet?" "Of course. What else can we do? That's what we started for." "Looks kind o' dirty, dat's all."

He purtended he 'ad come in for the sake of old times and to ask arter my 'ealth, and all the time he was doing 'is best to upset me to amuse them two pore objecks 'e 'ad brought with 'im. Capt'in Mellun is his name, and 'e was always a foolish, soft-'eaded sort o' man, and how he 'as kept 'is job I can't think.

"To be sure I does I like the capt'in och, he's a jontleman and I likes the missus; she's a laddy and I likes Miss Beuly, who's a swate young woman and then there's Miss Maud, who's the delight of my eyes. Fegs, but isn't she a crathure to relish!" Mike spoke like a good honest fellow, as he was at the bottom, with all his heart and soul. The Indian did not seem pleased, but he made no answer.

"They seem to have only just landed, be the look of them. Keep her as she goes and be ready with the anchor there forrard; we'll scupper them yet. Mr. Harman, be plazed to fetch up that linth of lead pipe you'll find on the cabin flure be the door. Capt'in, will you see with Charlie here to the boat while I get the anchor ready for droppin'; them coolies is all thumbs."

Would you like to be blown through them, and not see where you were going?" "Well, no," said Ford: "I rather guess I wouldn't." "Jes' you let Capt'in Kinzer handle dis yer boat," almost crustily interposed Dick Lee. "He's de on'y feller on board dat un'erstands nagivation." "Shouldn't wonder if you're right," said Ford good-humoredly. "At all events, I sha'n't interfere.

He purtended he 'ad come in for the sake of old times and to ask arter my 'ealth, and all the time he was doing 'is best to upset me to amuse them two pore objecks 'e 'ad brought with 'im. Capt'in Mellun is his name, and 'e was always a foolish, soft-'eaded sort o' man, and how he 'as kept 'is job I can't think.

He was wan. I knew he was over his belt in money borrowed from natives; besides a lot av other matthers which, in regard for your presince, sorr, I will oblitherate. A little av fwhat I knew, the Colonel knew, for he wud have none av him, an' that, I'm thinkin', by fwhat happened aftherward, the Capt'in knew.

He had a letter of interducshun from his minister to home to the capt'in of the Columbine perleece they was related somehow and he would jest have them men arrested; an' then he happened ter think that 'twas gittin' late and time a'most for that train with them Sunday-school children to come, and it put him out awfully; but he said that he'd make it his bizness to see to that, and then he made a 'p'intment with Camp to meet him at half-past ten ter-day, an' they'd go tergether ter see the Columbine perleeceman. She paused, and uttered a cackling laugh.

The captain scowled again, but involuntarily opened his fore-door a little wider. "Capt'in Asaph Ball, I presume?" "The same," answered the captain. "I've been told, sir, that you need a housekeeper, owing to recent affliction." There was a squally moment of resistance in the old sailor's breast, but circumstances seemed to be wrecking him on a lee shore. Down came his flag on the run.