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Updated: August 24, 2024

So he set out and followed the same road which his brother had done, and met with the same elf, who stopped him at the same spot in the mountains, saying, as before, 'Prince, prince, whither so fast? 'Mind your own affairs, busybody! said the prince scornfully, and rode on.

If you must be a busybody say that. I'm through." But that was not Jones' idea of the game and he out with it. "I'll do nothing of the kind." "Won't you?" Lennox retorted. He had remained seated. But rising then, he looked at the keeper, motioned at Jones. "If that man asks for me again, say I'm out." Jones laughed. "Wow-wow, old cock! I wish I could have said that but I probably shall.

Tilly Troffater carried still about him, as he did his scars, a few of his early habits and characteristics; as for instance, his love of levity slightly corrected; his love of indolence, and an occasional glass of whisky; his swaggering loquacity, a little improved; and once in a while the mischief of the busybody.

While they are talking comes no less a person than the Prior of the monastery, Friar Juan Perez, bustling round, good-natured busybody that he is, to see what is all this talk at the door. The Prior, as is the habit of monks, begins by asking questions. What is the stranger's name? Where does he come from? Where is he going to? What is his business? Is the little boy his son?

He had felt from the beginning that he was so much more the man to deal with an affair like this than poor old Hilary. When, therefore, Thyme put her head into his study and said, "Father, Mrs. Tallents Smallpeace!" he had first thought, 'That busybody! and then, 'I wonder perhaps I'd better go and see if I can get anything out of her.

"But what difference can it make?" "Pardon me, doctor, but I don't feel called upon to explain my official actions except to the proper authorities." Macphail looked at him shrewdly. He remembered Davidson's hint that he had used threats, and in the governor's attitude he read a singular embarrassment. "Davidson's a damned busybody," he said hotly.

Then followed such a fussing and fuming, such a running hither and thither, and giving and taking of instructions and clatter of tongues as even the convent of La Rabida had probably never known. Nothing will serve the good old busybody, although it is now near midnight, but that he must depart at once. He will not wait for daylight; he will not, the good honest soul! wait at all.

"Tomfoolery, citizen?" queried the other blandly. "What tomfoolery, pray?" "Why, about those papers!" growled Lebel savagely. "Curse you for an interfering busybody! It was I who got information that those pestilential aristos, the Montorgueils, far from having fled the country are in hiding somewhere in my district.

Just try taking a bone away from a hungry dog or cat, once, and see. He thought you a busybody, that's what, Bandy-legs. But he's gone now, if so be you want to investigate, and find out whether the 'coon chawed another hole in your canoe." But Bandy-legs only threw himself down by the fire.

"You're a damnable kind of busybody, sir, the breed of fellow that plunges states into revolutions. Why, in Heaven's name, did you not consult me?" "Because it was wiser not to," I said stoutly. "Half my recruits are old soldiers of Bacon. If the trouble blows past, they go back to their steadings and nothing more is heard of it.

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