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He loathed the necessity that confronted him, above all the uncertainty of his situation. Hitherto the mistakes of his life had passed over his head without dangerous explosions; he had gone away from them, and they had seemed, somehow, to right themselves. "Come," he said bruskly, addressing neither directly, "we needn't stop here.

They examined the elephants, but were baffled there, owing to Ahmed's foresight. They entered the native quarters, looked under the canvases into the empty cages, from cellar to roof in the bungalow, when suddenly the captain missed Ahmed. "Where is the Colonel Sahib's man?" he asked bruskly. "Possibly he is going the rounds of the animal cages," said Bruce, outwardly calm and shaking within.

"Witness may go," said his lordship bruskly. Dandy Joe, a good deal damaged in the world's estimation, stepped down; his erstwhile well-curled mustache of brick-dust hue seemed to droop as he slunk out of the box; he appeared subdued, almost frightened, quite unlike the jaunty little cockney that had stepped so blithely forth to give his testimony.

Rador glanced at him, arose, stepped through the curtains; returned swiftly with the Irishman's uniform. "Put it on," he said, bruskly; again fell back into his silence and whatever O'Keefe had been about to say was submerged in his wild and joyful whoop. He ripped from him glittering tunic and leg swathings.

And fire, which beautifies, or makes romantic and sad everything gave to Beatrice the look of his mother. For a moment his soul was full of questions about the two women. "I've joined the Artists' Rifles," Dion said to Rosamund one day. He spoke almost bruskly. Of late he had begun to develop a manner which had just a hint of roughness in it sometimes.

Steve groped and found the hand groping for his. He nodded his head, bruskly, to hide his eyes. But his voice was not brusk. "I almost shot you, Garry," he said, and there was a husky echo of horror in the words. "In another minute I'd have killed you. Right now I don't know just what kept me from firing."

His voice was trembling, his cheek flushing; but he was saved by an enemy. "Susan!" cried a threatening voice at the door, and there stood William Fielding with a look to match. Rage burned in Meadows' heart. He said bruskly, "Come in," and seizing a slip of paper he wrote five words on it, and taking out a book flung it into the passage to Crawley.

He spoke to her bruskly at last; and then she sold him slices of cold meat, cheese, biscuits, a lot of chocolate and some nuts, with which he filled those two inner pockets of his jacket. They had become his larders now. There were not more than a dozen passengers in the whole train, and no one on the platform at Waterloo took the faintest notice of him.

"It doesn't matter whether you can talk every language in South America," said the warden bruskly. "I'm very busy now, and " "See here, Mr. Jeffrey," said St. George, "is no one allowed there but relatives of the guests?" "Nobody," crisply. "I beg your pardon, that is literal?"

"And they're really using it here? It it works?" I asked, wonderingly. "Well, they're going to use it," said Hawkins, rising. "I have consented to allow them to try my model. It arrived here just before we did." "Hawkins, have we been sitting right over that thing all this time?" "Don't try to be comic, Griggs," said the inventor, bruskly. "I'm going down to see who's fooling with that motor.