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Dionysia would have liked to embrace the doctor for these words of his; and with the greatest eagerness she pushed a large easy-chair towards him, and said in her sweetest voice, "Pray sit down, my dear doctor." "Thanks," he answered bruskly. "I am very much obliged to you." Then turning to M. Folgat, he said, according to his odd notion,

Lady Bassett, weeping, proffered her assistance, and so did Mary Wells; but this athlete said, a little bruskly, "No, no; I have practiced this sort of thing;" and, partly by his rare strength, partly by his familiarity with all athletic feats, carried the insensible baronet to his own house, as I have seen my accomplished friend Mr.

"And now you want to walk ten beastly miles of sand and hills. I won't " "Your dad cared enough to send for you " he began, but I would not let him finish. "You're right, Frosty," and I wrung his hand. "You're the real thing, and I'd do as much for you, old pal. I'll make that Frenchman rub Spikes down for an hour, or I'll kill him when I get back." "You won't come back," said Frosty bruskly.

"I don't think so, Professor," Bess replied. "Only Nan's feelings. That man ought to be ashamed of himself for speaking so of Mr. Sherwood." "Oh, I know what I'm talking about!" cried the fat man, blusteringly. "Then you can tell it all to me, Ravell Bulson," bruskly interposed the professor again. "Come along to my cabin and I'll fix you up. Mrs.

Her clothes were bruskly cut and bruskly worn, their very smartness seeming an impatient concession to necessity. Her smile, if not ill-natured it wasn't that was distinctly ironic. A very competent, good-looking young woman, you'd have said, if you'd seen her with her shoulder-blades flattened down and her chest up.

"That is why you refused me a loan a fortnight ago in Paris, I suppose?" "A loan!" interposed Alec. "Were you hard up, father?" "I have been telling you so without avail ever since I arrived in Delgratz," said the Prince bruskly.

By this time we were before our pavilion; and neither of us in a very amiable mood I'm afraid. Rador was awaiting us with a score of his men. "Let none pass in here without authority and let none pass out unless I accompany them," he ordered bruskly. "Summon one of the swiftest of the coria and have it wait in readiness," he added, as though by afterthought.

That's the thing it will be just as well for you both to remember." She began bruskly putting on her dressing-gown. "I'm going down-stairs to telephone to Max," she explained. "He's got the paper all drawn up, not the final contract but an agreement to sign one of the sort I told you about. I'm going to tell him that if he will bring it back with him now, I'll sign it."

"It is not yet midnight," she said. "Probably the Rajah is keeping his promise." Her expression relaxed a little. "Don't tire yourself," she added bruskly to Mrs. Berry, who had been fanning the unconscious woman's face with an improvized paper fan. "I don't think she feels the heat." The missionary's wife continued her good work with redoubled energy.

The mother of all women had to be a cat, a little, wizened, sad-faced, shrewd ring-tailed cat." Whereupon the song of the first man and woman was interrupted by protests from the women and acclamations from the men. "This is Yo-to-to-wi, which is the short for Eve," Dick chanted on, drawing Paula bruskly closer to his side with a semblance of savage roughness. "Yo-to-to-wi is not much to look at.