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Updated: July 31, 2024

The chief shook his head dubiously. "It looks to me now as if you're all in a muddle. You've got two of them under arrest why don't you lock up Ward and Collins and have them all in jail? Then you'd be sure to have the guilty party." "I shall see to it that Beard obtains his liberty to-morrow," was Britz's reply. "And then what?" "Then for the grand climax," said Britz.

"Is Mrs. Collins at home?" asked Britz. "Who wishes to speak with her?" "This is Mr. Luckstone's office," said the detective. "Mr. Luckstone the attorney for Mr. Whitmore." Evidently a maid had answered the call, for a long silence ensued while the servant carried Britz's message to her mistress. Finally a voice at the other end of the wire said: "This is Mrs. Collins!"

One of his lieutenants named Britz went out and ambushed a night raid sent out from the line on December 19 at Holland, making nearly 100 prisoners; and a few days later he squeezed through an enveloping movement in which he lost somewhat heavily, but he eventually succeeded in rejoining Botha.

Collins and Ward also left their chairs and advanced toward Britz. "I'll tell the story!" volunteered Ward. "No you won't!" interposed Collins. "I'll give my version of it." "Officer, I have nothing to hide! I'll tell the circumstances precisely as they occurred," Ward repeated. "No he won't!" protested Collins. "Let me speak! I'm willing to swear to everything I say."

The others had played silent roles, but now one of them was suddenly called to participate actively in the drama. He failed to respond. Beard, far from embracing the opportunity to enlighten the coroner, clung all the more desperately to silence. And in this attitude he was encouraged by a nod from Luckstone. "Beard, you have nothing to hide," urged Britz. "Why don't you talk?

I feel safe in promising you immunity for arranging the escape of Mr. Whitmore but you've got to stand up now and tell the truth." "I can't!" Beard moaned. "I'm pledged!" "Ten years in prison!" Britz baited him. "Think of Miss Burden! Instead of a happy marriage the prison stripes! And I promise that you'll get the limit!" Miss Burden was on her feet, one hand extended imploringly toward Britz.

I shall be at my desk promptly at eight to-morrow morning and then we'll proceed with the investigation." Although Britz permitted his assistant to find welcome rest after the crowded activities of the day, he did not allow himself the same pleasant relaxation. He felt no craving for sleep.

"Where did you get this will?" "I don't care to go into that matter now," snapped Britz. "Perhaps you will inform me why you presumed to use my name in telephoning to Mrs. Collins?" persisted the lawyer. "Because I wanted to see just what she would do." "I hope your curiosity is satisfied." "Quite satisfied." "Then there is no reason for your remaining," said Luckstone.

He may go where he chooses, but only in the company of a detective." "And if he refuse your condition?" "Then I shall be compelled to arrest him." "And multiply the blunders which you have made in this case!" Luckstone smiled sarcastically. "I am responsible for the conduct of this investigation," snapped Britz. "And let me tell you, Mr.

At last he checked off eight names, and, summoning a uniformed doorman, directed that the eight men be ordered to report to him forthwith. "Officer Muldoon of the Eighth Precinct is waiting to see you," the doorman informed him. "Show him in," said Britz.

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