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But, Eustacia, you never did ha! ha! Dammy, how 'twould have pleased me forty years ago! But remember, no more of it, my girl. You may walk on the heath night or day, as you choose, so that you don't bother me; but no figuring in breeches again." "You need have no fear for me, grandpapa."

It was impossible. She could not believe it. Yet there it was! Abruptly there also was something else. An electric chair, the man of all men in it! From before the horror of that she reeled, steadied herself, looked at her father, looked without seeing him. "God of gods! And I did it!" In high red boots, wide purple breeches and a yellow mandarin jacket, Jones entered the workshop.

Why, no less a man than Napoleon Bonaparte, or all that is now left of him, that is to say, the skin, bones, and corporeal substance, little cocked hat, green coat, white breeches, and small sword, which are still known by his redoubtable name.

The men wear full breeches, a waistcoat and sash round the waist, and a thick whitish wool coat over it, which is sometimes girded with the sash, leggings, and the usual raw-hide shoes. On the head is a black silk cap with a magenta centre embroidered with gold thread.

The cure, with hands upraised to heaven, rushed up and down in front of the houses and under the trees, praying desperately; here and there, soldiers, trembling with cold, blew on their fingers as they moved about the road, or waited with hands in their breeches pockets, and swords under their arms, before the windows of the houses which were being scaled.

The waiters in the coffee-room are very numerous, and most of them dressed in the livery of the Club, comprising plush breeches and white-silk stockings; for these English Reformers do not seem to include Republican simplicity of manners in their system. Neither, perhaps, is it anywise essential.

"'Oh cuss him, it was him then was it? "'What, Sir? "'That woke them confounded rooks up, out o' their fust nap, and kick't up such a bobbery. Where is the Parson? "'Which one, Sir? "'The one that's so fond of fishing. "'Ain't up yet, Sir. "'Well, the old boy, that wore breeches. "Out on a sick visit to one of the cottages, Sir. "When he comes in, send him to me, I'm shockin' sick.

Seeing the hubbub, I went back to the street where I had left the breeches, having no use for the money in them; but I could not find them, for some one passing by had no doubt picked them up. The alguazil, in despair at finding that the Breton had no money to bribe with, thought to indemnify himself by extorting something from the mistress of the house.

Kimball, the proprietor, a New Hampshire Democrat of imposing appearance, was one of the last Washingtonians to wear knee breeches and a ruffled shirt. He was a great admirer of my father and his place was a resort of my childhood. One day in the early April of 1852 I was humped in a chair upon one side of the open entrance reading a book Mr.

He went in his court dress, consisting of a richly embroidered brown silk-velvet coat and short breeches, white satin vest with fancy colored embroidery, white silk stockings and pumps, wig, bagwig, cocked hat, and dress sword. "Why, General," said the Queen Dowager, "I think you look very smart to-day." "I guess I do," said the General, complacently. A large party of the nobility were present.