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Updated: August 12, 2024

In a few words, too, Swift draws a vivid picture of a rogue on his last journey through the London streets: His waistcoat, and stockings, and breeches were white; His cap had a new cherry ribbon to tie't. The maids to the doors and the balconies ran, And said, "Lack-a-day, he's a proper young man!" But as from the windows the ladies he spied, Like a beau in a box, he bow'd low on each side.

Zabulon shall dwell upon the sea, And heaven for the ship's security, And unto Zidon shall his border be. And Issachar is a strong ass between Two burdens crouching, who when he had seen That rest was pleasant, and the land was good, His servile neck unto the yoke he bow'd. Dan as a judge shall over Isra'l sway, He shall be as a serpent in the way, To bite the horse, and cast the rider down.

Now my task is smoothly done, I can fly, or I can run Quickly to the green earth's end, Where the bow'd welkin low doth bend, And, from thence, can soar as soon To the corners of the moon. The marriages of the Lady Blanche and Emily St. Aubert were celebrated, on the same day, and with the ancient baronial magnificence, at Chateau-le-Blanc.

When Charles the First bow'd his comely head Down, as upon a bed, at Whitehall, Beauty also laid her head upon the block at his side. Ugliness, parading as piety, took her place, and once more the breaking of images began, the banishment of music, the excommunication of grace, and gentle manners, and personal adornments.

What wonders were there to be found, That a clown might enjoy or disdain? First, we trac'd the gay ring all around; Aye and then we went round it again. "A thousand feet rustled on mats, A carpet that once had been green, Men bow'd with their outlandish hats, With corners so fearfully keen!

Joys of the free and lonesome heart, the tender, gloomy heart, Joys of the solitary work, the spirit bow'd yet proud, the suffering and the struggle; The agonistic throes, the ecstasies, joys of the solemn musings day or night; Joys of the thought of Death, the great spheres Time and Space! What would not I give to know the completeness of manhood implied in all that?

Now slowly rise the swelling notes When every crest more lively floats; Now tossed on high with gesture proud, Then lowly mid the circle bow'd; While clanging arms grow louder still, And every voice becomes more shrill; Till fierce and strong the clamor grows, And the wild war whoop bids it close.

"The East bow'd low before the blast In patient, deep disdain; She let the legions thunder past, And plunged in thought again. "So well she mused, a morning broke Across her spirit grey; A conquering, new-born joy awoke, And fill'd her life with day." The Roman Eagles led a momentary triumph, but they fled before the newly discovered Cross. Endurance won.

By the sick bed of her child, In her cabin lone and drear. Listening to its ravings wild, Dropping on it many a tear, Sat the mother, broken-hearted; Every hope was in its shroud. From her husband she'd been parted, And to earth with grief she's bow'd. Now within her ear is ringing Drearily hope's funeral knell, And the night wind wild is singing Mournfully, the word farewell.

'There was an ancient mansion, and before Its walls there was a steed caparisoned; Within an antique oratory stood The boy of whom I spake; he was alone, And pale and pacing to and fro: anon He sate him down, and seized a pen, and traced Words which I could not guess of; then he leaned His bow'd head on his hands, and shook as 'twere With a convulsion then arose again, And with his teeth and quivering hands did tear What he had written, but he shed no tears.

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