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The happy, honest farmers, too, spoke to us cheerfully everywhere. We learned a lesson from all this we felt that not a word of kindness is ever wasted, that a simple friendly glance may cheer the spirit and warm the lonely heart, and that the slightest deed, prompted by generous sympathy, becomes a living joy in the memory of the receiver, which blesses unceasingly him who bestowed it.

To how many faith has been No evidence of things unseen, But a dim shadow that recasts the creed of the Phantasiasts. For others a diviner creed Is living in the life they lead. The passing of their beautiful feet Blesses the pavement of the street, And all their looks and words repeat Old Fuller's saying wise and sweet, Not as a vulture, but a dove, The Holy Ghost came from above.

Faith tells of the presence of God and this underlies the rest, while the sense of friendly protection, the love of Our Lady, the angels, and saints, the love of the priest who administers all that Catholic children most value, who blesses and absolves them in God's name, all these carry them out of what is wretched and depressing in their surroundings to a different world in which they give and receive love and respect as children of God.

He blesses the little troop, and touching a wild pear-tree by the road-side, he brings down to the ground a fruit of such prodigious size, that it serves to allay the thirst and restore the strength of the exhausted travellers.

Free grace removes, in part, the total blindness which Adam's fall brought upon us; free grace gently sends us some beams of truth, which is the light of the sun of righteousness; it disposes the eye of our understanding to see those beams; it excites us, in various ways, to welcome them; it blesses us with many, perhaps with all the means of faith, such as opportunities to hear, read, enquire, and power to consider, assent, consent, resolve, and re-resolve to believe the truth.

And this is the reason why the eye that sees them loves them, and the tongue that speaks of them blesses them.

After the choir sings, the priest says the prayer and goes up and blesses the people with the Blessed Sacrament; that is, when he holds up the monstrance over the people Our Lord Himself blesses them. Should we not be very anxious, therefore, to go to Benediction?

The one the Golden Rule can not endure; the other it requires, honors, and blesses. Like unto the Golden Rule is the second great commandment "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." "A certain lawyer," who seems to have been fond of applying the doctrine of limitation of human obligations, once demanded of the Savior, within what limits the meshing of the word "neighbor" ought to be confined.

Daisy Ryven? both with husbands ." "Not as if that prevented things" the Duchesse announced reflectively "Well, well Some of my blessés show just your symptoms, Nicholas, and I discover almost immediately it is because they are in love with the brain with the imagination you must understand that is the only dangerous kind . When it is with a pretty face alone a good dose and a new book helps greatly."

He keeps on going on south and growing greater. He overcomes his obstacles and develops his power. He blesses the valley, but the valley does not bless him. Go On South and Grow Greater You never meet the Mississippi after he starts south, but what he is going on south and growing greater. You never meet him but what he says, "Excuse me, but I must go on south." The Mississippi gets to St.