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Flowers everywhere, and among them Sam lay smiling placidly at his easily won laurels. For the first time Andy gazed upon the face of death. The gentle dignity and peace of the once wild boy awed and thrilled the onlooker. He was dressed in his Continental uniform that was unsoiled by battle's breath, albeit, an ugly hole in the breast showed where the gallant blood had flowed forth.

But amid his wild career of fights, hardships, vigils, studies, and perils, the thought of Josephine was the guiding star of his heart. His mind was with her amid the battle's storm; he thought of her in the camp, on the march, in the greatest conflict, and after the most brilliant victories.

I bet you now we'd show them how to break through, no matter what the men on the walls tried to put on us. But shucks! that'd be too big luck; and besides, it could hardly be fair for us boys to steal the thunder of those hard-working actors. There, he's going to give the signal for the mimic war to begin. Everybody take a big breath and sail in! Now, go it, you terriers; the battle's on again!"

High in the air, bursting shells with white puffs light up the clouds of musketry smoke. Charging yells are borne down the wind, with ringing answering cheers. The staccato notes of the snapping Parrotts accentuate the battle's din. Sherman, with cloudy brow, listens for some news of the imperilled left wing. Is the iron army of the Tennessee to fail him now?

Hellas mourns the dead Sunk in their narrow grave; But thou, dark Sparta's chief, whose bosom bled First in the battle's wave, Bear witness that they fell as best beseems the brave. Leonidas himself fell in the plain, and his body was carried into the defile by his followers.

Every note, his voice recalling, Conjures up his form again Would that spears were whizzing round! Would that battle's thunder roared! 'Midst the wild tumultuous sound My former strength were then restored. These sweet tones, these melting voices, With seductive power are fraught! They dissolve, in gentle longing, Every feeling, every thought, Waking tears of plaintive sadness.

He started, and his face reddened as he answered: "O Wood-Sun thou wottest our battle and the way wherein we fare: That oft at the battle's beginning the helm and the hauberk we bear; Lest the shaft of the fleeing coward or the bow at adventure bent Should slay us ere the need be, ere our might be given and spent.

I can call on the blacksmith shop at Watertown for some of the hardest welding, and Job Western did most of the carpentering in the first place, so I know where to go for my trusses and girders. Examine every bolt and nut nothing is to be used that shows the slightest strain or defect. "Phil, you and I will tackle the motor. If she isn't smashed, half the battle's won."

Why, Harry, the battle's won already. Lee and Jackson don't merely fight. Plenty of generals are good fighters, but our leaders measure and weigh the generals who are coming against them, look right inside of them, and read their minds better than those generals can read them themselves." "I believe you're right, George. And since Burnside is not crossing to-night, he can't attack in the morning."

"Oh no, sir," replied Marcus, sadly. "No one could be so great and brave a man as he." "But you would follow us into the middle of the battle's horrors?" "Yes, sir, I would indeed; indeed I would," cried Marcus, eagerly. "I believe you, my boy, and all the more for your simple honesty of speech." "And you will prevail upon my father to let me go?" cried Marcus, appealingly.