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Whether or not he belonged originally to some higher race for there are as great differences of race among Negroes as among any white men he looks down on the Negroes, and indeed on the white men, of other islands, as beings of an inferior grade; and takes care to inform you in the first five minutes that he is 'neider C'rab nor Creole, but true Barbadian barn. This self-conceit of his, meanwhile, is apt to make him unruly, and the cause of unruliness in others when he emigrates.

Ah don rightly know mah age, mahster, mah mother never tol' me." St. Lucian woman, evidently about forty-five, after deep thought, plainly anxious to be as truthful as possible: "Er ah's twenty, sir." "Oh, you're older than that. About sixty, say?" "'Bout dat, sah." "Are you married?" To a Barbadian woman of forty: "Just you and your daughter live here?" "Dat's all, sir."

One fellow danced round us, snapping his fingers, and singing songs without beginning or end. "Eh, massa, what you say now? Me no slave true Barbadian born, sir. Eh! "Nebba see de day Dat Rodney run away, Nebba see um night Dat Rodney cannot fight. Massa me free man, sar. Suppose you give me pictareen, drink massa health. "Nebba see de day, boy, Pompey lickum de Caesar.

Eh! and you nebba see de day dat de Grasshopper run on de Warrington." "Out of the way, you nigger," cried one of the men who was rolling down a cask. "Eh! who you call nigger? Me free man, and true Barbadian born. Go along you man-of-war man.

After all, I do not deny that this man's being a Barbadian opened my heart to him at once, for old sakes' sake. Another specimen of Negro character I was to have analysed, or tried to analyse, at the estate where I had slept. M. F had lately caught a black servant at the brook-side busily washing something in a calabash, and asked him what was he doing there?

On the seventh week we arrived at Barbadoes, saw Lady Rodney, Sally Neblet, and several more of the true Barbadian born, drawling, dignity ladies, who entreated in no very dignified manner tohab de honour for wash for massa captain.” I gave the preference to the relict of Lord Rodney, as she was the oldest acquaintance, and remembered me when I was “a lilly piccaninny midshipman.” I paid my respects to the Admiral, Sir Alex.

It was a Barbadian lady who once exclaimed in a public company in England, "O, I wish we had Wilberforce in the West Indies, I would be one of the very first to tear his heart out!" If such a felon wish could escape the lips of a female, and that too amid the awing influence of English society, what may we conclude were the feelings of planters and drivers on the island!

"If there's a man on the isthmus in any better physical shape than I am, I'll " He interrupted himself to begin again eagerly. "I'll make you a sporting proposition," he announced "I'll fight any man on the isthmus ten rounds no matter who he is, a wop laborer, shovel man, Barbadian nigger, marine, anybody and if he can knock me out I'll stop drinking.

As the fruit of what they had already done we are told by one of them, the Barbadian, that the unfavourable news carried home by the packets after the emancipation had served to raise the price of sugar in England, which object being accomplished, it is hoped that they will intermit the manufacture of such news.

Cuffy turned up what little nose he had. He plainly considered the east coast, and indeed Trinidad itself, as not worth looking at. 'Ah! you should go Barbadoes, sa. Dat de country to see. I Barbadian, sa. No doubt. It is very quaint, this self-satisfaction of the Barbadian Negro.