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The result of all this sweating and sight-seeing was that some days later there was gathered in a young Barbadian who had been living for months in and about Gatun without any visible source of income whatever not even a wife. The Turk and the camp janitor identified him as the culprit.

In two days we were close to the island, and the men were desired to look out for the land. Death of Captain Savage His funeral Specimen of true Barbadian born Sucking the monkey Effects of a hurricane.

The following is a fair exhibition of the feeling of the most influential planters, in regard to the safety of the step. From the Barbadian, May 9, 1838. The Lord Bishop rose and spoke as follows: "Mr. President, and Gentlemen of the Council,

An hour later, one of the Barbadian negroes, coming home from his work, was met at the door of his cabin by his wife, her eyes wide with alarm. "White pickney go along Terror Cove. No come um back." "Fo' de sake!" came the astonished exclamation. "Best hop along, see!" The burly negro, well-built like all his fellows, struck out along the beach.

Me free man, and true Barbadian born. Go along, you man-of-war man. "Man-of-war, buccra, Man-of-war, buccra. He de boy for me; Sodger, buccra, Sodger, buccra, Nebba, nebba do. Nebba, nebba do for me; Sodger give one shilling, Sailor give me two. "Massa, now suppose you give me only one pictareen now. You really handsome young gentleman."

The old sailor bent forward, screwing his eyes at this young man as though trying to believe it was real. An older hand interposed. "Ah, come away now! I've heard chaps make game of figger-'eds, an' call 'em superstition. But I say let such things alone. I know things that's happened to funny fellows through making game of figger-'eds. There was the Barbadian Lass. She was a brigantine.

Cummins invited our host to take a seat, with us in his carriage, and we drove across the country to Drax Hall. Drax Hall is the largest estate in the island consisting of eight hundred acres. The manager of this estate confirmed the testimony of the Barbadian planters in every important particular. From Drax Hall we returned to Bridgetown, accompanied by our friend Cummins.

Thereupon in 1712 her assembly copied virtually verbatim the preamble and some of the ensuing clauses of the Barbadian act of 1688, and added further provisions drawn from other sources or devised for the occasion. This served as her basic law until the shock of the Stono revolt in 1739 prompted the legislature to give the statute a greater elaboration in the following year.

"Coolies don't steal," was the terse reply, "those that are Mohammedans don't, any way. Trinidad negroes do. They're different from the Barbadian negroes, quite different. Obeah seems to be about the only thing they care about." "I ran up against some Obeah in Haiti," remarked Stuart, "though Voodoo is stronger there."

The statement as to the length of the planters' dinners is probably an accurate one, for I myself have been the recipient of Barbadian hospitality, and had never before even imagined such an endless procession of fish, flesh, and fowl, not to mention turtle, land-crabs, and pepper-pot.