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By that time we shall have bagged twenty-five or thirty quail, and a ruffed grouse or two; besides driving two or three bevies down into the meadows and the alder bushes by the stream, which are quite full of woodcock. After luncheon, with the Commodore's aid, we will pick up these stragglers, and all the timber-doodles!"

No doubt, he would have been glad enough to complicate the issue by alleging Banks's theft of that car. "Well, what do you propose to do now?" I asked, after a short interval of silence. "I don't know," Banks said desperately, and then added, "It depends chiefly on Her." "She'll probably vote for an elopement," I suggested. "And if they come after us and I'm bagged?"

Her dress bagged about over her long waist and spidery arms. No wonder Mrs. Tarbell shuddered. "If I ain't disturbing you, Mrs. Tarbell," the visitor continued, "and if you could just spare the time to listen to me for a minnit, I wanted just to ask you for a little advice. My name is Stiles, ma'am, Mrs. Annette Gorsley Stiles.

Just across the passage was a long, blind-alley effect running under the stairs, which was used as a store for waste paper. It was cleaned out about once every generation. In a few minutes waste-paper baskets had been "bagged" from adjoining studies, and No. 14 was about a foot deep in paper. "That table is taking up too much room, Lovelace," Bradford bawled out; "smash it up."

"But you don't love him!" cried Lucia. "I dislike him," replied Margaret. After a pause she added: "When a woman makes up her mind to marry a man, willy-nilly, she begins to hate him. It's a case of hunter and hunted. Perhaps, after she's got him, she may change. But not till the trap springs not till the game's bagged." Lucia shuddered. "Oh, Rita!" she cried.

Cowan and I decided to go over to the hospital and run through the chap's pockets to see if we could find anything that should be sent back to Intelligence. Darned if Siddons wasn't there ahead of us, getting ready to fill his pockets with your souvenirs. I told him to wait until he bagged his own game. So there you are cups, belts and badges!"

Jameson the builder, and mixed with water the water we had brought in a medicine-bottle it was a prime disguise. We had put on all the glorious things we had bagged from Miss Sandal's attic treasures, but still Alice had a small bundle unopened. "What's that?" Dora asked.

If you remain, I shall esteem you much; if you depart, I shall do so no less; for I hold that amorous impulses run with a loose rein, until they are brought to a halt by reason or disenchantment. I would not have you be towards me like the sportsman, who when he has bagged a hare thinks no more of it, but runs after another.

And there was nice split-bottom chairs, and perfectly sound, too not bagged down in the middle and busted, like an old basket. They had pictures hung on the walls mainly Washingtons and Lafayettes, and battles, and Highland Marys, and one called "Signing the Declaration."