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"Are there two Sleepers-in-buff on earth?" replied the other. "I have just seen him; he is togged out like one of the swell mob. They will be at table for three hours at least." "Then wait for me, you others. Keep as quiet as possible. I will go and fetch the captain, and the game is bagged." So saying, one of the three men walked off quickly, and disappeared in a street leading from the square.

We had bagged nine elephants, and only one had escaped from the herd; this was the female who had forsaken her young one. Wallace now came up and cut off the tails of those that I had killed. I had one barrel still loaded, and I was pushing my way through the tangled grass towards the spot where the five elephants lay together, when I suddenly heard Wallace shriek out, 'Look out, sir!

Her eyes sparkled with the old savage light, as if her ill-will to Mr. Richard Venner might perhaps go a little farther than the Christian limit she had assigned. But remember that her grandfather was in the habit of inviting his friends to dine with him upon the last enemy he had bagged, and that her grandmother's teeth were filed down to points, so that they were as sharp as a shark's.

Richard had brought down a beautiful cock-pheasant, and was exulting over it, when the farmer's portentous figure burst upon them, cracking an avenging horsewhip. His salute was ironical. "Havin' good sport, gentlemen, are ye?" "Just bagged a splendid bird!" radiant Richard informed him. "Oh!" Farmer Blaize gave an admonitory flick of the whip. "Just let me clap eye on't, then."

An officer from the Australians had to visit the Scottish line in order to make some preparations for a forthcoming attack. He found the Scotsmen there thirsting for that sniper's blood, impatiently waiting for dark in order to go over the parapet and get him they could scarcely be held back even then, straining like hounds in the leash. The sniper was bagged later, and his machine-gun.

An' what game is it you're playing under that bath, James? Are you pretending to be an oyster?" Thorogood pulled himself together and stood up. "I think one of their submarines must have bagged us." He nodded across the flat to where, beyond the wrecked debris of three cabins, the cruiser's side gaped open to a clear sky and a line of splashing waves.

His hair was not slick, and his beard looked a little like a paint brush, his pants ran up on his boots, and bagged at the knees." "He had just come off the train," hastily interposed Brown, "He hadn't a moment to dress himself." "Well, as I say, he wasn't pretty to look at, and they gave him a kind of frosty reception, too."

Besides, Natalie having already bagged him, it is plain I shall have to look elsewhere." There was a long pause, broken only by the plash of the water, which seemed, as the seconds slipped by, to grow amazingly loud. Then young Nisbet raised his eyes, and looked at her, blushing deplorably. "I wish" he said, "I wish" "Dorothy! Do excuse me, Mr.

There was not much attraction for the sportsman throughout the whole line of march, and I only bagged a few couple of snipe, partridges, wild-duck, and quail. Our dinner was always supplied from Jung's own carpet, for he does not use a table, and it was with no little curiosity that at the end of the first day's march I looked forward to the productions of a Nepaul cuisine.

So you see we bagged everything that came through the country for several miles wide. Our traps served as does a wing-net catching on the sides and swinging everything into the center.