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"'Tis the big hearrt of him that leads his judgment asthray," she said, exulting none the less, as she spoke, over the prospect of handling all those rich materials and for once having the chance to display her skilled cookery. "I said as much as I dared, lest I hurrt his pride, but 'Tis but wanct a year, Missus Kelcey, says he, an' I said no more." The thrifty Scotswoman shook her head.

She's gone, an' I'd be glad to folly her as soon as I could. Yes, asthore, you're departed from me! an' now I'm gone asthray out o' the right an' out o' the good! Oh, Ma'am," he proceeded, whilst the tears rolled fast down his cheeks, "if you knew her her last words, too Oh, she was she was but where's the use o' sayin' what she was?

"Why, tare alive, Pether, is it in bed you are at this hour of the day?" "Eh? Who's that who's that? oh!" "Why thin, the sarra lie undher you, is that the way wid you?" "Oh! oh! Eh? Is that Condy?" "All that's to the fore of him. What's asthray wid you man alive?" "Throth, Condy, I don't know, rightly.

To those in the room it seemed as if he dropped away back into the wan dusk behind him, and next moment they saw him in motion a few paces distant, limping fast, and gesticulating as though he were still carrying on his monologue. "That old crathur's asthray in his mind, I misdoubt," said old O'Beirne, "and I wouldn't won'er if he was after gettin' bad thratement among his own people."

The pride of this vain life is our besetting sin, and happy are they who are enabled to overcome it may he be praised! sit down." "I'm thankful to you, sir," said Darby, "oh, thin, Mr. M'Slime, it would be well for the world if every attorney in it was like you, sir there would be little honesty goin' asthray, sir, if there was."

It's sing in the Latin; but sing or fwhistle, in my opinion, he that goes wid an empty purse seldom sings or fwhistl'es to a pleasant tune. Melancholy music I'd call it, an' wouldn't, may be, be much asthray al'ther Hem. At all evints, may none of this present congregation, whin at their devotions, ever sing or fwhistle to the same time! More power to you ha, ha, ha!

Well, there's a crass, wid two tumblers. Is that clear?" "It is, it is! faix" "Now here we draw a line to your son Dan's. Let me see; he keeps a mill, an' sells cloth. Very good. I'll dhraw a mill-wheel an' a yard-wand. There's two tumblers. Will you know that?" "I see it: go an, nothin' can be clearer. So far, I can't go asthray." "Well, what next? Two behind your own garden.

"Wurrah, man alive, aren't you well?" "Oh, be the vestment," said Phelim, "what's this at all? Murdher, sheery, what'll I do! Oh, I'm very bad! At death's door, so I am! Be gorra, Mrs. Doran, I must be off." "Wurrah, Phelim dear, won't you stop till we settle everything?" "Oh, purshuin' to the ha'p'orth I can settle till I recover o' this murdherin' colic! All's asthray wid me in the inside.

He's always afther her, but he's never caught her yet." "What would he do to her if he caught her?" asked Emmeline. "Faith, an' maybe he'd fetch her a skelp an' well she'd desarve it." "Why'd she deserve it?" asked Dick, who was in one of his questioning moods. "Because she's always delutherin' people an' leadin' thim asthray.

"Hark ye," says he, "my gossoon, doan't be led asthray by the nonsinse of that divil of a Bullwig. He's jillous of ye, my bhoy: that's the rale, undoubted thruth; and it's only to keep you out of litherary life that he's palavering you in this way.