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It is a good idea to find a person who has a very agreeable and professional manner, who can make you feel at ease since relaxation is very important. It is also beneficial to have a colonic therapist who massages the abdomen and foot reflexes appropriately during the session. Enemas and colonics can accomplish exactly the same beneficial work.

MacAllister had a peculiar method of calculating the selling price of lumber, which he very appropriately termed "the long way of figgerin'." It was so long that it frequently covered boards and shingles, and even the walls of the mill, before the final number of dollars and cents appeared, the result being that the lumber sawn was all out of proportion to the number of figures required to compute its value.

Of course Larkin was still on top, and Cowan not only held his command, but had established quite a reputation. Yancey had earned the right to a nickname more appropriately fitting than "the flying fool," for he was anything but a fool and his mounting victories proved that he had something more than luck.

For example, should two husky young head-hunters become involved in a lovers' quarrel over a village belle the lobes of whose ears are probably pulled down to her shoulders by the weight of her brass earrings they adjourn, with their seconds and their friends, to what might appropriately be called the pool of honor. Almost any place where there are four or five feet of water will do.

As to the minute details of cut and dimensions, the prevailing style of linen and ties, etc. very appropriately called "notions" these things vary from season to season. The well-dressed man will consult his tailor and furnisher.

This was the case when questioned about the year, month and date, which she gave correctly, but she merely shook her head when asked how long she had been here, why she was here, what was the matter with her. Once she smiled appropriately. Later she became freer in speech, with a more natural tone, although her answers continued to be short.

Mr. One of these, the lovely little Cosmisoma Titania, Number 7 in Plate 25, has been appropriately named after the Queen of the Fairies by Mr. Bates. It was first found by Mr. Janson, junior, who came out to Chontales purposely to collect insects; and I afterwards obtained it in great numbers. The use of the curious brushes on the antennae is not known.

This name was given him because he was a good marksman, having an eye which seldom failed him in taking aim with a gun. He was seconded by a stranger, who, having a keen, quick glance and well knit figure dressed appropriately in leathern trousers and leggings, sat at the chairman's right and evidently "meant business", as Billy Blue intimated on the aside to his companions.

New Granada had been divided into three Republics, those of Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador; while the new State of Bolivia had been set up between the frontiers of Paraguay and Peru. General Sucre, one of the chief military heroes of the war of liberation in the north, was, appropriately enough, made the first President of this new Republic of Bolivia.

I could take you over myself but I was so sort of fagged out that's why I didn't go with them," she added a little uncertainly he noticed. "And oh it's just being silly and tired I suppose, but all of them together " "I know," said Oliver and hoped his voice had sounded appropriately bitter.