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Updated: August 27, 2024

At last, however, our eyes met across the board. He smiled that crooked, somewhat unpleasant smile of his. "And so, Ser Agostino, they are to make a priest of you?" said he. "God pleasing," I answered soberly, and perhaps shortly. "And if his brains at all resemble his body," lisped the Cardinal-legate, "you may live to see an Anguissola Pope, my Cosimo."

I saw a sudden light leap to his eyes and a faint smile to his lips. He leaned towards me. "Heard you ever of the name of Anguissola?" he inquired, and watched me closely, his face within a foot of mine. But I did not betray myself, for the question no longer took me by surprise.

"Why," he explained, not only to me but to others whose brows had also been knit, "first 'Plac' stands for Placentia where he will meet his doom; and then it contains the initials of the four chief movers in this undertaking Pallavicini, Landi, Anguissola, and Confalonieri." "You force the omen to come true when you give me a leader's rank in this affair," said I.

Two to the same effect from Amilcare Anguissola in Cremona acknowledge services rendered to his daughter Sofonisba, who was studying design in Rome. Pietro Urbano wrote twenty letters between the years 1517 and 1525, addressing him in terms like "carissimo quanto padre."

Oh, she had done a cruel, a bitterly cruel wrong. This poor old warrior, all scarred and patched from wounds that he had taken in my father's service, to be turned away in his old age, as we should not have turned away a dog! It was a monstrous thing. Mondolfo was his home. The Anguissola were his family, and their honour was his honour, since as a villein he had no honour of his own.

He was as like me save that he was blacker and not so tall as if he had been own brother to me instead of merely cousin as I knew at once he was. For he must be that guelphic Anguissola renegade who served the Pope and was high in favour with Farnese, and Captain of Justice in Piacenza. In age he may have been some seven or eight years older than myself.

From Romagnese we made our way to the stronghold of the Anguissola of Albarola, my cousins, who gave me a very friendly welcome, and who, though with us in spirit and particularly urged by their hatred of our guelphic cousin Cosimo who was now Pier Luigi's favourite, yet hesitated as the others had done.

The Anguissola lose more than I shall gain by Agostino's renunciation of the world. And I am sorry for it. You believe me, cousin?" I answered his courteous speech as it deserved, in very courteous terms. This set a pleasanter humour upon all. Yet some restraint abode. Each sat, it seemed, as a man upon his guard.

"There is too much bad Anguissola blood in you," he said. "Be careful lest out of our solicitude for you, we should find it well to let our leech attend you." I laughed, looking into his blotched face, considering his lame leg and all the evil humours in him.

Soon we could make out the device upon their bannerols a boar's head azure upon an argent field my own device, that of the Anguissola of Mondolfo; and instantly I knew them for Cosimo's men. On the lower parapet six culverins had been dragged into position under the supervision of Falcone who was still with us at Pagliano.

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