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'You must be chilled through and through, said Petrushka. 'Yes, I am rather, said Nikita, and they went across the yard and the passage into the house. The household to which Vasili Andreevich had come was one of the richest in the village. The family had five allotments, besides renting other land. They had six horses, three cows, two calves, and some twenty sheep.

Marfinka whispered to Vikentev that he did know, and had gone out on that account. "I will go, Marfa Vassilievna, and hide behind a bush, imitate Boris Pavlovich's voice and make her a declaration," suggested Vikentev. "Stay here, Nikolai Andreevich. Paulina Karpovna might be frightened and faint. Then you would have to reckon with Grandmother."

He seated himself in the sledge with his back to the wind, took off his boots, shook out the snow that had got into them, and taking some straw from the bottom of the sledge, carefully plugged with it a hole in his left boot. Vasili Andreevich remained silent, as though now leaving everything to Nikita.

Then with the commanding dignity she knew how to assume, she put on her cap, wrapt herself in her shawl, and went right up to Niel Andreevich, while Raisky looked on in amazement, with a sense of his own smallness in her majestic presence. "Who are you?" she began. "A clerk in the chancellery, an upstart. And yet you dare to address a noblewoman with violence.

'There, she sticks to it like a leech!... Where am I to take him? 'I'm quite ready to go with you, Vasili Andreevich, said Nikita cheerfully. 'But they must feed the horses while I am away, he added, turning to his master's wife. 'I'll look after them, Nikita dear. I'll tell Simon, replied the mistress. 'Well, Vasili Andreevich, am I to come with you? said Nikita, awaiting a decision.

At first and for a long time Nikita lay motionless, then he sighed deeply and moved. 'There, and you say you are dying! Lie still and get warm, that's our way... began Vasili Andreevich. But to his great surprise he could say no more, for tears came to his eyes and his lower jaw began to quiver rapidly. He stopped speaking and only gulped down the risings in his throat.

I got stuck so fast there myself that I could hardly get out. 'What shall we do, then? We can't stay here! We must go somewhere! said Vasili Andreevich. Nikita said nothing.

It happened in the 'seventies in winter, on the day after St. Nicholas's Day. There was a fete in the parish and the innkeeper, Vasili Andreevich Brekhunov, a Second Guild merchant, being a church elder had to go to church, and had also to entertain his relatives and friends at home.

The snow was not deep that year, so that it was possible to walk anywhere, but still in places it was knee-deep and got into Nikita's boots. He went about feeling the ground with his feet and the whip, but could not find the road anywhere. 'Well, how is it? asked Vasili Andreevich when Nikita came back to the sledge. 'There is no road this side.

The white Easter vestment is of cloth of silver and the cloth of gold for high feast days was the personal gift of Alexander Andreevich Baranof, the great Russian who established the colony. The belfry clock is said to be the work of the hands of Veniaminof.