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'Who are you? shouted Vasili Andreevich. 'From A-a-a... was all that could be heard. 'I say, where are you from? 'From A-a-a-a! one of the peasants shouted with all his might, but still it was impossible to make out who they were. 'Get along! Keep up! shouted another, ceaselessly beating his horse with the switch. 'So you're from a feast, it seems? 'Go on, go on! Faster, Simon! Get in front!

Vasili Andreevich took his advice and turned to the right, but still there was no road. They went on in that direction for some time. The wind was as fierce as ever and it was snowing lightly. 'It seems, Vasili Andreevich, that we have gone quite astray, Nikita suddenly remarked, as if it were a pleasant thing.

'We must reach the forest soon, thought Vasili Andreevich, and animated by the vodka and the tea he did not stop but shook the reins, and the good obedient horse responded, now ambling, now slowly trotting in the direction in which he was sent, though he knew that he was not going the right way. Ten minutes went by, but there was still no forest.

Now and then he caught sight of a way-sign, so that he knew they were still on a road and that there was nothing for him to be concerned about. Vasili Andreevich drove on, leaving it to the horse to keep to the road.

On making out what was happening he called to Vasili Andreevich to leave him the drugget which the horse no longer needed, so that he might wrap himself in it. But Vasili Andreevich did not stop, but disappeared amid the powdery snow. Left alone Nikita considered for a moment what he should do. He felt that he had not the strength to go off in search of a house.

And the knock was produced by Mukhorty, who had twice struck the sledge with his hoof. 'Andreevich! Eh, Andreevich! Nikita called cautiously, beginning to realize the truth, and straightening his back. But Vasili Andreevich did not answer and his stomach and legs were stiff and cold and heavy like iron weights. 'He must have died! May the Kingdom of Heaven be his! thought Nikita.

Vasili Andreevich rode for about five minutes straight ahead, as he thought, seeing nothing but the horse's head and the white waste, and hearing only the whistle of the wind about the horse's ears and his coat collar. Suddenly a dark patch showed up in front of him. His heart beat with joy, and he rode towards the object, already seeing in imagination the walls of village houses.

But he never settled down anywhere for long because about twice a year, or even oftener, he had a drinking bout, and then besides spending all his clothes on drink he became turbulent and quarrelsome. Vasili Andreevich himself had turned him away several times, but had afterwards taken him back again valuing his honesty, his kindness to animals, and especially his cheapness.

But if I were to seek for your hand? Do I look like a bridegroom, or am I too old for you?" "I decline the honour. Bonjour, Natalie Ivanovna, where did you buy that pretty hat, at Madame Pichet's?" "My husband ordered it from Moscow, as a surprise for me." "Very pretty." "But listen seriously," cried Niel Andreevich insistently. "I am going to woo you in earnest.

The thought that he might himself be a millionaire like Mironov, who began with nothing, so excited Vasili Andreevich that he felt the need of talking to somebody. But there was no one to talk to.... If only he could have reached Goryachkin he would have talked to the landlord and shown him a thing or two. 'Just see how it blows!