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"As I rush for the curtains, you run to the shop door and get it unbolted, whistling for Dunbar " Ah-Fang-Fu, fully opening the door behind them, crept out stealthily. "Have your pistol ready," continued Max, "and first put the whistle between your teeth " Ah-Fang-Fu silently placed his bowler hat upon the floor, shook down his long pigtail, and moving with catlike tread, stooping, drew nearer.

A Chinaman lying in one of the bunks began to chant in a monotonous far-away voice: "Chong-liou-chouay Om mani padme hum." "The Buddhist formula," whispered Stuart. "He is a real smoker. Heavens! the reek is choking me!" The chant was repeated, the words dying away into a long murmur. Ah-Fang-Fu continued to shuffle the cards. And presently Bill Bean's second pipe dropped from his fingers.

This sound was occasioned by the slow and cautious opening of that sunken, heavy door near to which they lay the door which communicated with the labyrinth of cellars. Inch by inch from the opening protruded the head of Ah-Fang-Fu! "If the Chinaman offers any resistance," Max went on, speaking very rapidly "morbleu! you have the means to deal with him! In a word, admit the police.

The place is 'open to the public' as usual, and Ah-Fang-Fu does a roaring trade, one would judge. For the benefit of patrons not affiliated to the order we have to pretend to smoke." "Yes," replied Stuart with repressed excitement "until someone called Fo-Hi is at home, or visible; the word 'got' may mean either of those things." "Fo-Hi," whispered Max, "is 'The Scorpion!

Gaston Max's knowledge of Eastern languages was slight, whilst Stuart's was sound and extensive, and the Frenchman had cordially welcomed the doctor's proposal that he should accompany him to the house of Ah-Fang-Fu.

Fo-Hi seated himself at the table. Absolute silence reigned in the big room, except for the hissing of the furnace. No sound penetrated from the outer world. Having no means of judging how long he had been insensible, Stuart found himself wondering if the raid on the den of Ah-Fang-Fu had taken place hours before, days earlier, or weeks ago.

"Why do you allow them, strangers, coming here to-night!" Ah-Fang-Fu continued complacently to arrange the cards. "S'pose hab gotchee pidgin allee samee Chunda Lal hab got? Fo-Hi no catchee buy bled and cheese for Ah-Fang-Fu. He" nodding casually in the direction of Bill Bean "plitty soon all blissful." "Be very careful, Ah-Fang-Fu," said Chunda Lal tensely. He lowered his voice.

It is the will of the Master." "Down with the door!" roared Dunbar. The woman threw herself, with a wild sob, upon the motionless body of Stuart. Ensued a series of splintering crashes, and finally the head of an axe appeared through the panels of the door. Ah-Fang-Fu tried to drag the woman away, but she clung to Stuart desperately and was immovable.

Ah-Fang-Fu began to play Patience, constantly muttering to himself. The occasional wash of tidal water became audible, and once there came a scampering and squealing of rates from beneath the floor. "Do you notice the sound of lapping water" whispered Stuart. "The place is evidently built upon a foundation of piles and the cellars must actually be submerged at high-tide."

Max repeated the gesture and then lay back upon his elbow, raising the mouthpiece of the little pipe to his lips but carefully avoiding contact. Ah-Fang-Fu shuffled back to the broken cane chair, from which he had evidently arisen to admit his late visitors. Inarticulate sounds proceeded from the bunks, breaking the sinister silence which now descended upon the den.