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And a historian of Venice, whose mind should have been wholly engaged in philosophizing the republic's difficult past, hung abjectly upon the question whether a young girl had or had not had a good time at a ball. "Yes. Oh, yes! She enjoyed herself if that's all you require," replied his wife. "Of course she wouldn't have stayed so late if she hadn't enjoyed herself."

At Rangoon their paths would separate; he would never see her again. He got up. He would go to her at once and apologize abjectly. And thus he surrendered to the very devil he had but a moment gone so vigorously discountenanced. He found her asleep in her chair. The devil which had brought him to her side was thrust back. Why, she was nothing more than a beautiful child!

Yet and this it was that was making Winona old before her time always in her secret heart of hearts she did long abjectly to wear silk stockings all manner of sinful silken trifles. Evil yearnings like this would sweep her. But she took them to be fruits of a natural depravity that good women must fight. Thus far she had triumphed. Mrs. Penniman now wielded the palm-leaf fan.

You know she may come here this summer; there is just a chance of it. Will you promise?" "I can safely promise to like any one whom you like, I know, Miss Phebe. Soeur Angélique, make this stubborn child give me her hand. It is not fitting that I crave absolution so abjectly." "You are two silly children together," said Soeur Angélique, rising and laughing.

He gasped and found voice; this time a voice as shaky and docile as it had been strong and dominant a moment before. "Very well," he spoke abjectly. "Very well. I shall do as you wish." He seemed to be talking to thin air. "We will go home at once." And instantly all four turned about, and in perfect silence took the back trail.

Rae in forty years' experience had never been so seriously disturbed. To his intense humiliation he found himself abjectly appealing to the senior member of the firm of Thomlinson & Shields. Not that Mr. Thomlinson was obdurate; in the presence of mere obduracy Mr.

"What then is there left for me to do?" asked the Count, dismayed at the coil in which he had involved himself. "Nothing," advised the Knight of Ehrenburg, "except to apologise abjectly to the Archbishop, and that not too soon, for his Lordship may refuse to accept it. But when he formally demands it, I should render it to him on his own terms, and think myself well out of an awkward position."

It had been observed that the population was streaming out of the city, fleeing because they feared the ships' landing-parties. The blueskins had abjectly produced all they'd promised of precious metals, but there was more to be taken. More ships came down, and more. Some of the first, heavily loaded, were lifted to emptiness again and the process of decontamination of their hulls began.

He may continue running, each new pressure prodding him as he goes, until he dies and his final form will be that predestined of the many pressures. An exchange of cradle-babes, and the base-born slave may wear the purple imperially, and the royal infant begs an alms as wheedlingly or cringe to the lash as abjectly as his meanest subject.

He is coming out, and behind Him they are abjectly crawling. Yes, He is coming here, to Judas, coming out a victor, a hero, arbiter of the truth, a god.... "Who is deceiving Judas? Who is right?" But no. Once more noise and shouting. They are scourging Him again. They do not understand, they have not guessed, they are beating Him harder, more cruelly than ever.