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I've crossed a dozen tracks or more on my way back. Ef it wasn't for that we daren't have gone at all, for ef the snow was new fallen the sight of fresh tracks would have set the first Injun that come along a-wondering; and when a redskin begins to wonder he sets to to ease his mind at once by finding out all about it, ef it takes him a couple of days' sarch to do so.

"Oh very well, captain, if it's to oblige you, I have no more to say, and the dog can stop." "Hear that, youngster?" said Billy. It was plainly audible to half the deck; and as Mark nodded his head he fell a-wondering how it was that his father, who was captain, could allow his inferior officer to be so dictatorial and to bully every one about him.

"Tain't for nobody to be a-wondering over what they feels and does," exclaimed Mrs. Rucker defensively before the query was half uttered. "They've been hurt deep with some kind of insult and all we have got to do is to take notice of the trouble and git to work to helping 'em all we can. Mr.

Crouched upon my bed I fell vaguely a-wondering what should have roused me, hearkening to the distant roar of the surf that seemed to me now plaintive and despairing, now full of an ominous menace that banished gentle sleep.

"Yer see," began Tom Tully, "I'm a chap as allus gets bullied as soon as he opens his mouth." "Soon as what chap opens his mouth?" said the gunner. "Why, ar'n't I a-telling of you? me," growled Tom Tully. "Well, what's the matter now?" said the gunner. "Well, I was a-wondering what we was going for ashore." "Now, just hark at this here chap!" said the gunner indignantly.

Now the waters of this lake flooded away through a great rent in the surrounding rocks betwixt which I might catch a glimpse of the distant sea; and beholding this rushing cataract I must needs fall a-wondering where so great a body of water should come from, and to ponder on the marvels of nature.

Peter, in his dog way, fell a-wondering as he stood there, but kept his manners and remained still. When it was all over he felt a desire to show his teeth and growl, for when Father John had kissed Nada, and was shaking Jolly Roger's hand, he saw his mistress crying in that strange, silent way he had so often seen her crying in his puppyhood days.

George looked and understood and resolved to go over the temple before he left Yaque, and then fell a-wondering whether, when he did so, Olivia would be with him. George listened, and said over with attention the name of the substance acted upon by emanations and wondered if Olivia were not afraid of it.

I must have fallen a-wondering while he quoted in a low sonorous voice, like a last echo of the great organ, rolling among the arches; for as it ceased I came to myself with a start and found his eyes searching me; also his hold on my shoulder had stiffened, and he held me from him at arm's length.

When he saw Gül-Bejáze on Halil's lap, and Halil's face beaming all over with joy, he smote his hands together and fell a-wondering. "There must be some great changes going on here!" thought he.