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Between the sights an' the jump of the powder, he's shootin' plumb over Cherokee an' aimin' straight at him. "'Nellie, says Enright, lookin' remorseful at the girl, who colors up an' begins to cry ag'in, 'did you cold-deck this yere Red Dog sport this a-way? "'I'm 'fraid, sobs Nell, 'he gets Cherokee; so I slides over when you-alls is waitin' an' fixes his gun some.

Robert's heavyweight young sister that wanted to play Juliet once? But who the other party was I didn't have an idea, except that from the "you-alls" she was usin' I knew she must hail from somewhere south of Baltimore.

"of the Mexicans's guns. Jim's dead then; he's out in a second; never bats an eye nor wags a y'ear. "'Which now, says Enright at the end, as he yanks his saddle 'round so he makes a place for his head, 'which now that you-alls is fully informed why I appears averse to Greasers, I reckons I'll slumber some.

Does this yere go? "`It goes, says the Red Dog gent; 'but be you-alls shore thar's s'fficient whiskey in your camp? Red Dog folks is a dry an' burnin' outfit an' is due to need a heap. "'The liquid's all right, says Boggs. 'If you alls wants to do yourse'f proud, freight in a hundred-weight of them can tomatters. Which we runs out entire.

"'You-alls present knows me, says Cherokee Hall, who, as I says previous, is turnin' faro in the Red Light, 'an' most of you has met me frequent in a business way. Thar's my game goin' every night reg'lar. Thar's nothin' tin-horn about it. It ain't no skin game neither. Any gent with doubts can step over an' test my box, which he'll find all comfortable on the layout awaitin' his convenience.

"Now an' then some party who's busy drinkin', an' tharfore hasn't time for faro, an' yet is desirous the same be played, stakes Slim Jim ag'inst the game; an' it happens at times he makes a small pick- up that a-way. But his means of livelihood is shorely what you-alls would call precar'ous. "An' yet, as I sends my mind back over the trail, I never knows of nothin' bad this yere Slim Jim does.

You-alls can hobble an'sideline'em both at night; an' when you rolls out in the mornin', they's gone. "'What do you-all think, Nell? says Doc Peets to Faro Nell, who's perched up on her stool by Cherokee's shoulder. 'What do you-all reckon now of Texas yere, a-malignin' of your sex? Why don't you p'int him to Dave Tutt an' Tucson Jennie?

"'If I had ten dollars I'd about call you a lot on that, says Wilkins, 'but I'm a pore cuss an' ain't got no ten dollars, an' what's the use? None of you-alls ain't got no Red Light whiskey- chips you ain't usin', be you? S'pose you-alls gropes about in your war-bags an' sees. I'm needin' of a drink mighty bad.

You-alls better get a hustle on right now an' 'lect a jedge. If I goes back to Dallas an' tells this story of how you-alls ain't got no jedge nor no law yere, they won't let this Plaza Paloduro get close enough to 'em in business to hand 'em a ripe peach.

We-alls looks at Old Man Gentry, an' he shorely seems to cripple down. "'Gentry, says Peets, after Old Monte tells his adventures, 'I hears you tell Nell you was sleepin' all day. S'pose you takes this yere committee to your budwer an' exhibits to us how it looks some. "'The turn's ag'in me, says the old man, 'an' I lose. I'll cut it short for you-alls.