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"The ties him down an' throws him in the bottom of a polin'-boat," ol' Jim explained. "Come right in here, they did, an' takes him out of that there chair there in the corner, an' three more drunks they finds under the pianny. I tell you-alls the whole camp hits up the Yukon for Dawson jes' like Sam Scratch was after them, wimmen, children, babes in arms, the whole shebang.

"Mace p'ints out to get another gun; which is proper enough, for he's only one in his belt, an' in a case like this yere he's mighty likely to need two a lot. "'Some of us oughter go over with Mace, I reckons, says a party named Benson, sorter general to the crowd. 'What do you-alls think yourse'fs?

"What do you mean, you black rascal," the Colonel thundered. Zack rolled his eyes from the old gentleman's face to his rifle, and back again. Then his own face disappeared into a multitude of wrinkles while he silently chuckled. "You-alls jest as pure as de Heaven's blue," he murmured, holding his sides and shaking. "Reckon I'd better git mah coat!" "Oh, no, Zack," the Colonel stopped him.

The East needn't deem itse'f the only king in the deck; none whatever. The West can afford the usual rooles an' let all bets go as they lays, an' still get up winner on the deal. I takes it you-alls never notes the West sendin' East for he'p? "'But that ain't the idee, he urges. 'Churches that a-way is the right thing. They molds a commoonity, churches does.