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The twins ran out to the clearing to find the meaning of the noise, and saw one of the cook's helpers walking about banging a wooden potato-masher furiously upon the bottom of a brass pan. The echoes of the strokes could be heard coming from every direction in the forest. "What's that for?" asked Don, running over to Mose, the helper. "I'se callin' you-alls for dinner," grinned Mose.

As fast as we-alls peels a buffalo, we rolls his carcass down hill into Salt Lake, an' what do you-alls reckons takes place? The water's that briny, it pickles said buffalo-meat plumb through, an' every year after, when Bridger an' me is back thar we're trappin' an' huntin' them times, all we has to do is haul one of them twenty thousand pickled buffalos ashore an' eat him.

He gives it out cold he's goin' to c'lect. He puts it up he'll shore sue Cimmaron a lot. "'You-alls don't mean to say thar ain't no jedge yere?" remarks the Dallas sharp, when Old Monroe explains we ain't organized none for sech games as law cases. "Well, this yere Plaza Paloduro is for certain the locodest camp of which I ever cuts the trail!

"When Dave announces this yere trooth it shore looks like the Briton's goin' to need whiskey to uphold himse'f. But he reorganizes, an' Dave explains that the Injuns, when they trails in with the ponies, is simply shufflin' for a weddin'; they's offerin' what they-alls calls a 'price' for the woman. "'An' when you-alls leads in the ponies, says Dave,'that settles it.

"'When the Mormons comes wanderin' along, bein' short on grub that a-way, they nacherally jumps in an' consooms up the whole outfit in one season, which is why you-alls don't find pickled buffalo in Salt Lake no more. "'Bridger an' me starts in, when we learns about it, to fuss with them polygamists that a-way for gettin' away with our salt buffalos.

Which he's not only eager to kick towerists an' others he takes a notion ag'inst; but he's likewise what you-alls calls a kleptomaniac, an' is out to steal an' sim'lar low-down plays. "I warns this yere tenderfoot his name's Smith, but I pulls on him when conversin' as 'Colonel' I warns this shorthorn not to fuss 'round my Jerry mule, bein', as I states, a mule whose mood is ornery.

"'I never tells you-alls, he says, 'about how the Ratons gets afire mighty pecooliar, an' comes near a-roastin' of me up some, do I? It's this a-way: I'm pervadin' 'round one afternoon tryin' to compass a wild turkey, which thar's bands of 'em that Fall in the Ratons a-eatin' of the pinyon-nuts.

"'Which I might have conquered my native reluctance, says Billy, 'so to do, an' I even makes up my mind one night it's after I've got my grub, an' you-alls knows how plumb soft an' forgivin' that a- way a gent is when his stomach's full of grub to go up an' visit 'em a lot.

"'Now stand your hand a second, says Enright, 'don't let's overlook no bets. Whatever has you Red Dog hold-ups got to eat, anyhow? "'Ain't got nothin' to eat much maybe some can stuff what you-alls calls air-tights, says the Red Dog man. 'But we has liquid, no limit. "'Got any can tomatters? says Boggs. "'Can tomatters we-alls is 'speshul strong on, says the Red Dog man.

"'You-alls hears my remarks, he says at the close, briefly flashin' his six-shooters on the outfit; 'thar ain't no band of bad men in Arizona can tree this town an' me informed. Now go slow, or I'll jest stretch a few of you for luck. It's sech consoomin' toil, a- diggin' of sepulchers in this yere rock-ribbed landscape, or I'd do it anyhow.